Translation of "Attending" in Portuguese

0.032 sec.

Examples of using "Attending" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Attending television shows, talk shows

Assistir a programas de televisão, talk shows

Poverty prevented him from attending school.

- A pobreza o impediu de frequentar a escola.
- A pobreza o impedia de frequentar a escola.

He makes a rule of attending such meetings.

Ele estipulou uma regra de comparecimento às reuniões.

A bad cold prevented her from attending the class.

Uma gripe ruim impediu ela de ir à aula.

A little bird told me you are not attending Mass.

Um passarinho me contou que você não está indo à missa.

- Illness prevented him from attending the party.
- Illness kept him from attending the party.
- He couldn't attend the meeting because he was sick.

Eu não pôde participar da festa porque estava doente.

Saturday is the pottery class I've been attending since last year.

Sábado é a aula de cerâmica que eu estou frequentando desde o ano passado.

Fans found guilty of bad behaviour will be fined and excluded from attending future matches.

Os torcedores que forem considerados culpados de mau comportamento serão multados e impedidos de comparecer a futuras partidas.

- Illness prevented her from attending the party.
- She couldn't attend that party because she was sick.

Devido à doença, ela não pôde comparecer à festa.

I really liked attending that school. Every day, Gustavo would bring the guitar for us to play and sing during the break.

Eu gostava muito de estudar nesse colégio. O Gustavo trazia todo dia a guitarra para tocarmos e cantarmos no intervalo.

While attending Sunday mass, the grandmother wears a pink dress and a charming mantilla, and the grandfather, a grey suit with a white shirt.

Para participar da missa dominical, a avó usa um vestido cor-de-rosa e um charmoso chapeuzinho, e o avô, um terno cinza com camisa branca.