Translation of "Mass" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Mass" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

mass -- energy


From slavery through mass incarceration,

奴隷制に始まり 今日の大量収監に至るまで

Two mass extinctions of jobs before.

仕事の大量絶滅に遭いながらも 立ち直っています

He is a mass of faults.


Are we knowingly causing a mass extinction?

知っていながら 大規模な絶滅を 起こそうとしているのでしょうか?

Harvesting the thermal mass of the oceans,


And the stadium is a mass congregation.

スタジアムは 巨大な集会のようなものです

It also had to be mass-manufacturable,

さらには 大量生産できること

A cloud is a mass of vapor.


Their small protest triggered a mass demonstration.


The mass of the audience supported him.


People were gathering in a huge mass.


The NAACP organized mass demonstrations in the streets.

NAACPは大規模な街頭デモを 行いました

Together, I believe we can end mass incarceration.

全員で団結すれば 大量収監問題に終止符を打てることを

Mass production reduced the price of many goods.


The mass of people are against the plan.


In the world of mass media and rampant misinformation,

マスメディアと デタラメな情報がはびこる社会では

And in naming us terrorists amidst this mass tragedy

この大惨劇の真っ只中で テロリスト呼ばわりされることで—

Gravity turned on and brought more and more mass

ほんの少し質量が 大きい領域には

Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media.


Why is it the mass media didn't report this?


There is a mass of dark clouds in the sky.


The landscape of yellow, a mass of sunflowers flourishing beyond measure.


The priest blessed the congregation at the end of the mass.


That means they have a body mass index of 25 or above.

これはボディマス指数(BMI値)が 25以上(30未満)の人を指します

Or it could be as large as the mass of 100 Suns.

太陽100個分の質量を持つほど 大きいという 考えまであります

Mass is a Catholic ceremony of remembering Jesus Christ by eating and drinking.


A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employees.


At Eylau in 1807, his squadrons supported Murat’s mass cavalry charge, and made their

。 1807年のアイラウで、彼の戦隊はムラトの大規模な騎兵隊の突撃を支持し、 彼の撤退をカバーするために

Napoleon ordered Murat to lead a mass cavalry  charge straight at the enemy. Murat’s men  


On his own initiative, Ney launched a series of mass cavalry attacks too early… and failed


This is caused by huge lumps of high-density material in its crust known as mass concentrations

これは、質量集中部 または「マスコン」と 呼ばれる地殻内の高密度物質の巨大な塊によって引き起こされ

Today, through radio and television, mass advertising can reach millions of people at a time with its messages.


He was still held in such esteem in Aragon that a mass was held, to pray for his soul,

彼はまだアラゴンで尊敬されていたため、 サラゴサの大聖堂で 彼の魂を祈るためにミサが開催され

"Mum, how big is a brown dwarf actually?" "Brown dwarfs are about as big as Jupiter but have many times its mass."


Just a mass of them sort of overwhelm her, and she doesn't seem sure of what to do or how to deal with them.

‎彼女は大群に圧倒され ‎どうしたらいいか分からない

The job-seeking season is starting earlier each year and it's the mass media that are causing that trend by moving up their job interview schedule.
