Translation of "Sergeant" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Sergeant" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A captain is above a sergeant.


He rose to the rank of sergeant.


As a professional soldier and ex-sergeant major,  

ベルナドッテは プロの兵士で元曹長として、

François Lefebvre was a sergeant with 16 years’  


A sergeant with 8 years’ service  in the Grenoble Artillery Regiment.


Soult’s rise from sergeant to brigadier-general took less than three years.


He became a tough, capable sergeant, and in the build-up to the Revolutionary Wars, joined

。 彼はタフで有能な軍曹になり、革命戦争に向け て新しい 軍曹に加わりまし

He soon distinguished himself as a fine horseman and fencer, and was a senior sergeant by the

加わっ た。 彼はすぐに立派な騎手と剣士として名を馳せ、

He was quickly made a sergeant, but a commoner could rise no higher in the royal army, so
