Translation of "Predator" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Predator" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Predator and prey are evenly matched.


There's a predator that hunts túngara frogs


The most visible forms of aggression are often seen between prey and predator.


The centipede’s main role as a predator is to keep insect populations in check.

他の虫が増えすぎないように するのが ムカデの役割だ

For all its destructive powers, this prickly little predator does serve an important purpose.

この小さな破壊者も 重要な役割を持っています

With super-powerful jaws and a bite more painful than a snake’s, it’s a predator to be feared.

強いあごで ヘビの牙以上の 苦痛を与える怖い生物です