Translation of "Hunts" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Hunts" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

There's a predator that hunts túngara frogs


An owl sleeps by day and hunts by night.


But it also exposes them. Most hunts end in failure.

‎相手からも見られる ‎成功することは少ない

He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.


It’s now been proven that one third of cheetah hunts occur after dark.

‎チーターの狩りの3分の1は ‎夜行われることが分かった

A bat hunts food and eats at night, but sleeps during the day.


It hunts birds, catching them on the ground when they are sleeping or sitting on nests.


Polar bears use their immense strength to break through the surface. But at least two-thirds of hunts will end in failure.

‎ホッキョクグマは ‎怪力で氷面を砕く ‎狩りが成功するのは ‎3回に1回ほど