Translation of "Nevertheless" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Nevertheless" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A little one, but angry nevertheless.

小さいけれど 怒っていることに変わりはありません

Nevertheless, the topic is worth discussing.


Nevertheless, many are choosing early retirement.


I am tired; nevertheless, I must finish my homework.


Nevertheless, Napoleon and Masséna worked together brilliantly: Masséna commanded his

それにもかかわらず、ナポレオンとマセナは見事に協力しました。マセナは彼の 前衛を

Nevertheless, he was rewarded with  the title ‘Prince of Pontecorvo’.


But they end up doing very well on some measure nevertheless,

最終的に成功を収める人は たくさんいますが

We thought it would rain; nevertheless, we started on our trip.


I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.

- 私は疲れていたが、それにもかかわらず眠れなかった。
- 私は疲れていたのに眠れなかった。

Nevertheless, devout conversation on spiritual things helps no little with spiritual progress.


It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out.


Nevertheless, there were enough sparks of his old brilliance to worry his adversaries.


Nevertheless, it was a role he performed with great skill: his division distinguished itself

。 それにもかかわらず、それは彼が優れたスキルで果たした役割でした。彼の師団

Nevertheless in 1811 he began to assemble the largest army Europe had ever seen…

それでも1811年にはヨーロッパ史上最大の軍隊の 編成を始めた

I spent that day listening to the lonely scrapings of a pen. During that time, from time to time, I heard a Java sparrow twittering. It occurred to me that maybe Java sparrows twitter out of loneliness too. I walked out to the veranda to see. Nevertheless, flying to and fro between two perches busily and incessantly, it did not show the slightest hint of grievance.
