Translation of "Loyal" in Japanese

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Loyal" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

They are loyal to their master.


He remains loyal to his principles.


He is loyal to his boss.


Tom is loyal to his wife.


We must be loyal to our principles.


Being a loyal member of Napoleon’s inner circle.

よりも、偉大な軍事的業績のためではありません でした。

- Dogs are loyal animals.
- Dogs are faithful animals.


Most ordinary Russians remained loyal to the Tsar and his family.

殆どの一般のロシア人はまだ皇帝と その家族を支持していた

loyal remnants of Macdonald’s corps to fight their way back to Poland.


Macdonald continued to serve Napoleon as a loyal and reliable commander throughout the

1814年のキャンペーン を通じて、忠実で信頼できる指揮官としてナポレオンに仕え続け

During the Hundred Days, Macdonald remained loyal to the King, and attempted to rally

間、マクドナルドは王に忠実であり続け、 ナポレオンと戦うために軍隊を

loyal administrator. And Davout worked miracles  to raise a new army for Napoleon’s final campaign.


Napoleon, a notoriously bad shot, was to blame, but the loyal Marshal Berthier claimed responsibility.


For his length of loyal service to his organization, he was only repaid in chicken feed.


A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal  deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

It must be nice having such a loyal son. You don't have to wonder if you'll be taken care of in your old age.
