Translation of "Lannes’ " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Lannes’ " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

2. Marshal Lannes


Lannes’ Fifth Corps.

元帥 の第5軍団の 師団の指揮を与えられました

Napoleon, who’d visited Lannes every day,  


Then he wrote to Lannes’ wife:


When Bennigsen located Lannes’  apparently-isolated corps  


When Marshal Lannes died of his wounds,  


But that night, a long-running feud with Marshal Lannes nearly came to blows, when Lannes accused

しかし、その夜、ランヌが ベシエールが首を吊った と非難したとき、ランヌ元帥との長期にわたる確執はほとんど打撃を受けました

Jean Lannes was a farmer’s son from Gascony,  


Where Lannes proved a brave and active officer.  


In 1800 Lannes remarried to  Louise-Antoinette Guéheneuc,  

1800年、ランヌ は上院議員の娘である ルイーズ・アントワネット・ゲヘヌクと再婚し、

Lannes had to work closely with Marshal Murat,  

ランヌは 、エジプトでの脱落以来の激しいライバル で ある

That spring, Lannes resumed  command of the advance guard,  

その春、 ナポレオンが決定的な戦いを強制することを望んで、ベニグセンのロシア軍を探したとき

Back in command of Fifth  Corps, Lannes was as active,  

第5軍団の指揮下に戻ったランヌは 、相変わらず

Napoleon recalled Lannes for  the war with Austria in 1809.


Marshals Lannes and Masséna led  the way across improvised bridges,  

ランヌ元帥とマセナは、 ベシエール騎兵隊の支援を受けて

Lannes was carried to the rear, and placed in the  


His troops had to be rescued by Marshal Lannes’ corps.


At the Battle of Aboukir, Lannes’  infantry worked with Murat’s cavalry  

アブキールの戦いで、ランヌの歩兵はムラトの騎兵隊 と 協力し

Lannes never forgot a favour – he  and Victor remained firm friends.


Taking command of Marshal Moncey’s  Third Corps, Lannes routed a Spanish  

加わった 。 ランヌはモンシー元帥の第3軍団の指揮を執り、

Even Lannes was left shaken by  the savagery of the fighting,  


Lannes’ old rival Marshal Bessières  was placed under his temporary command.  


Lannes, badly shaken, walked  off to sit alone for a moment,  


Napoleon later presented the flag  he’d waved at the battle to Lannes,  

ナポレオンは後にランヌ との 戦いで振った旗を提示し、

Napoleon summoned Lannes to rejoin  the army for the war with Prussia.


The following year Lannes was ennobled  as Duke of Montebello, and joined  


The next day, Lannes’ corps led  an attack on the Austrian centre,  


Marshal Lannes’ death was a great  blow to Napoleon and the army.


Then on Marshal Lannes’ recommendation, Napoleon gave him command of Third Corps,


Four days later at Jena, Lannes  opened the main French attack at dawn,  


Spanish soldiers and civilians defended the city  with legendary courage, but Lannes’ leadership  


Masséna held the village of Aspern, while  Lannes organised the defence of Essling.  


Lannes sent repeated orders for him  to charge the enemy, in language that  

ランヌは 、臆病の告発を口にした

The matter went no further, as Lannes was fatally wounded the next day.


Three weeks later, Murat and Marshal Lannes,  who normally couldn’t stand each other,  


Lannes was promoted to brigadier general, and  in 1798 joined Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt.


And at Montebello, encountered an Austrian  force that outnumbered it two to one. Lannes  


By persuading him that an armistice had  been signed. At one point Lannes even  

、オーストリアの司令官をブラフして重要なドナウ橋を降伏させました 。ある時点で、ランヌ

After the battle, Lannes was infuriated  that Soult, and not he, was singled out  

戦いの後、ランヌは、彼ではなく、ソウルトが 皇帝によって賞賛のため

But Lannes, with support from future Marshals  Oudinot and Grouchy, expertly used his troops  


Napoleon next needed Regensburg taken  quickly, and so as usual, he turned to Lannes.


After the first assault wave was mown down,  Lannes’ call for volunteers went unanswered.


While two French corps under Marshal Lannes began a second, bloody siege of Zaragoza,


Lannes was then transferred to Italy as part  of General Augereau’s division, where his bold,  


Himself, who rewarded Lannes with command of a  grenadier brigade in the army’s advance guard.

自身 から賞賛され ました。

A month later at the Battle of Lodi,  Colonel Lannes was first across the river,  


While recovering from his latest wounds in this  battle, Lannes received painful news from home:  


When Napoleon staged his coup of 18 Brumaire,  Lannes helped to ensure the army’s loyalty.


General Bessières helped expose his mismanagement  of the budget… for which Lannes never forgave him.

ベシエール将軍が予算の管理ミスを明らかにするのを手伝った 後、彼は解雇されました

The day before the Battle of Austerlitz,  Lannes’ quick temper got the better of him:  


In the battle that followed, Lannes’ Fifth Corps  held the left flank against Bagration’s attacks…  


Lannes attacked a larger Russian force at  Pułtusk, but it was a bloody, indecisive affair.


The operation went well. But the wound became  infected, and Lannes died nine days later.


Occupying the village of Aspern on his left, and Lannes, holding Essling on the right.


A month later at Friedland, Oudinot and his  grenadiers were under Marshal Lannes’ command, and  

ていました。 1か月後、フリードランドで、ウディノと彼の擲弾兵はランヌ元帥の指揮下にあり

The next spring, Napoleon’s army marched over the  Alps into Italy. Lannes’ vanguard led the way,  


In semi-disgrace, Lannes was sent as ambassador  to Portugal: a short, eventful spell in which,  

…ランヌは決して彼を許しませんでした。 半ば恥ずかしそうに、ランヌはポルトガルへの大使として派遣されました。

By 1804 it was clear that all was forgiven  - Lannes received news that he’d been made  

1804年までに、すべてが許されたことは明らかでした。ランヌは、彼 が新しいフランス帝国の元帥になったという

For praise by the Emperor. Within days, Lannes  had resigned his command and returned to France.

に選ばれたことに激怒し ました。数日以内に、ランヌは彼の指揮を辞任し、フランスに戻った。

Lannes’ delaying tactics allowed Napoleon to  catch the Russian army with its back to the river,  


Victor and Marshal Lannes were close friends from  their days serving together in Italy. In 1806,  

ビクターとランヌ元帥は、イタリアで一緒に奉仕していた頃から親しい友人でした。 1806年、

Lannes persuaded Napoleon to let him have  Victor as his new chief of staff for Fifth  

ランヌはナポレオンを説得して、ビクターを第5 軍団の 新しい参謀長に任命させました

Corps. Napoleon agreed, and in October, Victor  served as Lannes’ deputy at the Battle of Jena.


Around 4pm Lannes’ old friend General Pouzet was  hit by a cannonball and killed in front of him.
