Translation of "Hunt" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Hunt" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- Eagles don't hunt flies.
- Eagles do not hunt flies.


How's the job hunt?


Eagles don't hunt flies.


They had a good hunt.


How's the job hunt going?


The witch hunt has begun.


Hounds hunt by their keen scent.


A male puma, also on the hunt.


Mr Hunt is principal of our school.


- He likes to hunt.
- He likes hunting.


A hunt is on for the runaway.


I was on the hunt for lodgings.


This is how they hunt elephants alive.


They're driven to hunt... deep into the night.

‎彼らの狩りは続く ‎夜が更けるまで

But these miniature monsters often hunt each other.

‎しかし虫たちは ‎お互いを捕食し合う

Great whites hunt using an array of senses.

‎ホホジロザメは ‎さまざまな感覚を駆使する

Mr. Hunt is the principal of our school.


The light of the full moon helps cheetahs hunt.

‎満月のおかげで ‎獲物が見えるが‎―

Few people believed that cheetahs could hunt after dark.

‎夜は狩りをしないというのが ‎通説だった

Hyenas and leopards will soon be on the hunt.

‎ハイエナやヒョウが ‎狩りを始める

And try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions,

ヘビやタランチュラや サソリを追って―

And try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions

ヘビやタランチュラや サソリを追って―

But it's hard to hunt in such an open landscape.

‎だが辺りに ‎身を隠す場所はない

But they haven't eaten in days. The mother must hunt.

‎もう何日も食べてない ‎母親は獲物を探す

And with sensitive whiskers, they can hunt through the night.

‎敏感なヒゲを使い ‎夜でも狩りをする

The police have started a nationwide hunt for the criminal.


A lioness and her 13-strong pride are on the hunt.

‎メスが率いる ‎10頭以上のライオンの群れだ

Where great whites are known to hunt seals using artificial light.

‎サメが人工の光を使い ‎オットセイを狩る場所だ

So you wanna go on a scorpion hunt using the UV light.

UVライトで つかまえたいんだな

The one who sent me and my friends to hunt down the terrorists

1972年のミュンヘンでの イスラエル人オリンピック選手11人の

And I will hunt you down and I will take my banana back

あなたを追いまわして バナナを取り戻した上に

It's often much better than trying to hunt big game in the forest.

森で狩りをするよりも いい方法であることが多い

It's often much better than trying to hunt big game in the forest.

森で狩りをするよりも いい方法であることが多い

They hunt in packs, they live in packs, and they are formidable opponents.

奴らは群れで生活する 手強い相手だよ

So you want to go on a scorpion hunt using the UV light?

UVライトで つかまえたいんだな

But the sound of the hunt travels far through the cool night air.

‎狩りの音は ‎はるかかなたまで響く

By exploiting artificial light, the sharks here can hunt long into the night.

‎人工の光があるため‎― ‎ここではサメが ‎夜でも狩りをする

Archaeologists are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.


It's to continue into the desert and try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions,

任務を続けて この砂漠で生き物を探す ヘビとタランチュラと サソリだ

Jaguars have excellent night vision. So it's the ideal time to learn how to hunt.

‎優れた夜間視力を持つ ‎狩りを学ぶには最適な時間だ

For every dollar you write to me, I will go, I will hunt person two down,

私はプレイヤー2を追いかけ 私に宛てた金額に合わせて

And look, everything is just falling apart here. But a perfect place to hunt for critters.

見ろ 全部がバラバラだ はい回る生き物は いそうだ

[Bear] So what's it gonna be? Hunt with an ultraviolet light? Or make a lure trap?

紫外線ライトでつかまえる? ワナを作る?

But if you wanna start this mission over and hunt for more creatures, choose "Replay Episode".

やり直して もっと生き物を探すなら “リプレイ”だ

They may even use the light to help them hunt. Or perhaps they're just enjoying the show.

‎この光を 狩りに ‎利用している可能性もある ‎もしくは楽しんでいるだけ ‎かもしれない

[Stephen] He knows exactly how to hunt and how to be dominant in that environment. He can do whatever he wants to, really.

狩りの仕方を知っていて 自分の生息域を支配している 思うがままだ