Translation of "Drawers" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Drawers" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The desk has three drawers.

- その机は引き出しが三つ付いている。
- その机には引き出しが三つある。

Within this little chest of drawers,


The file cabinet drawers are open.


She bundled everything into the drawers.


This rather big, manly chest of drawers,

むしろこの大きく男らしい チェスト(胸)の中には

I started to think about a chest of drawers.

私は「チェスト(たんす)」について 考え始めました

A big spider lives behind the chest of drawers.

- 大きいクモが箪笥の後ろにいるよ。
- 大きな蜘蛛がタンスの後ろに潜んでる。

Which is that we open new drawers in the self.

私たちは自身の中の新しい引き出しを 開けるといったものです

I found what I was looking for in the drawers.


I said to George, "Can you make me a chest of drawers?

私がジョージに 「チェストを作ってくれる?」と聞くと

But when you ask a maker to make a chest of drawers,

でも 家具製作者に チェストを作るように頼んでも

If you opened the kitchen drawers where there should have been utensils,

食器が入っているはずの 引き出しを開けると

The thieves pulled open all the drawers of the desk in search of money.
