Translation of "Centuries" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Centuries" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

They've puzzled people for centuries.


The town lay buried for centuries.


His works will endure for centuries.


This creature has been feared for centuries.


Ignorance about the female body goes back centuries.

女性の体についての無知は 何世紀にも遡るもので

Why? Because three centuries ago, slavery was non-negotiable.


And so the story has gone throughout the centuries.

このような話は 数世紀にわたって続きます

It's huge and slow-moving -- think gigatons and centuries.

巨大でゆっくりとした変化 数ギガトン 数世紀といった大きさ

About those who developed slavery two or three centuries ago.


I need to take you back a couple of centuries.

数百年さかのぼって お話ししなければなりません

But these impressive herbivores have been the hunted for centuries.

サイは何百年も前から 狩られていました

For centuries, foreign language teaching focused on reading and writing.


Even three centuries ago, most Western Europeans still used their fingers.


Prophets have been forecasting the end of the world for centuries.


That we know that the road we have taken for two centuries

2世紀から通ってきた道を 突き進み

[Bear] Sheep's wool has been used to make warm clothing for centuries,

羊毛は昔から 暖かい服に使われてきた

With a fearsome reputation and an arsenal honed over centuries. It’s fast, aggressive, and highly venomous,

恐ろしい悪評と 進化した武器があり― 機敏で攻撃性が高く 猛毒です

He had heard stories about an ancient god who had left his land centuries before by ship.


As the centuries went by and England became more crowded, the people found their food supply a great problem.


Not only has eating with your fingers continued throughout the centuries, but some scholars believe that it may become popular again.


It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.

- 焼けるような暑さ、ひどい寒さに耐えまったく見知らぬ人にドアをノックししたそれほど若くない人から、自発的に組織され、「人民の、人民による、人民のため政治」が決して地球上に消え去ってないことを二世紀以上後に証明した何百万人ものアメリカ人からの強さを描いた。
- あるいはそれほど若くない人たちから。凍てつく寒さと焼け付く暑さにもひるまず、家から家へと赤の他人のドアをノックしてくれた人たちから力を得ました。ボランティアとなって組織を作って活動した、何百万人というアメリカ人から力を得ました。建国から200年以上たった今でも、人民の人民による人民のための政府はこの地上から消え去ってはいないのだと証明してくれた、そういう人たちから力を得たのです。