Translation of "They've" in Japanese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "They've" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

They've been arrested.


They've fooled you.


They've told me that they've had increase in productivity


They've never made money.


They've locked away inside themselves.


With something they've seldom seen:


They've actually lost their tuning,

K2-138の調律は トラピストに比べ

They've puzzled people for centuries.


They've decided not to come.


Oh, they've been taken down stream


Looks like they've spotted each other.


They've heard the sound of boats...


They've taken three shots at it.


And they've kept the patent office busy.


And they've decided to test it scientifically.


Means they've collided 120 times a second

つまり1秒間に120回 ぶつかり合ってるわけです

And they've timed their arrival to perfection.


They've been walking for over four hours.

‎もう4時間以上 ‎歩き続けている

They've sacrificed color vision for light sensitivity.

‎色は見えないが ‎優れた夜間視力を持つ

And, they've already torn up the garden.


They've all gone to see the film.


That's right, they've been late twice already.


Because they've been taken against their will.

子供達の望みに反して 連れ去られたなんて

They've told me about their chronic pain improving.

慢性痛がやわらいだと 言われたこともあります

They've actually helped to trigger a gentrification push

実際には 高級化の引き金となって

"Where have those six got to?" "They've escaped."


They've got us right where they want us.

私達に求めていることは 当たっているでしょう

But how beautiful that they've learned such mindful habits.

でも生徒がマインドフルな習慣を 学ぶのは素晴らしいことです

What we know is that they've practiced a lot,

私たちは 彼らがたくさん練習をし

And they've spawned the biggest religions in the world.

それゆえに物語は世界の主な宗教を 生み出したのです

Even though they're cool, they've been ransacked and broken.

冷たいが あさられて割(わ)られた

- They have announced their engagement.
- They've announced their engagement.


They've asked me to translate this book into French.

- あの人たちにこの本をフランス語に翻訳してくれないかと頼まれました。
- 彼らにこの本、フランス語に訳してくれって頼まれたんだ。
- この本をフランス語に訳すように頼まれたの。

The looming deadline on this project they've been stewing over.

締め切りが間近だなどとは 考えている暇はありません

But I’ve noticed three distinct lessons that they've taught me.

生徒達から学んだ 明白な3つの教えがあります

And they've been powered by wind and solar energy now,

今や ここでは 風力や太陽光から電気を得ていて

But they've shut down all the coal plants around Beijing.

しかし 北京周辺の 石炭を使う工場はすべて閉鎖しました

And the suggestion is that they've helped moderate climate change.

地球の気候変動を穏やかにしたと 言われています

But these are skills that they've learned mostly from textbooks,


And that's often the sign that they've spotted a food source,

あの動きなら 食料を見つけたんだ

And that's often the sign... that they've spotted a food source.

あの動きなら 食料を見つけたんだ

And that's often the sign that they've spotted a food source.

あの動きなら 食料を見つけたんだ

They've now developed a new app to help the whole community.

彼らはコミュニティ全体を支援する 新しいアプリを開発しました

- They have already finished the work.
- They've already finished the work.

- 彼らはもうその仕事を終えた。
- 彼らはもうその仕事を終えている。

You know, if they've got great big claws, those are their weapons.

大きなハサミが 奴らの武器になるんだ

- You've been had.
- You've been deceived.
- They've fooled you.
- You were tricked.


- They decided to marry next month.
- They've decided to get married next month.


- They've finally given up.
- They finally gave up.
- They have finally given up.


And they've never been able to process it or think about what had happened.

そして トラウマを処理したり 起こったことについて考慮できませんでした

Look, they've brought a dirt bike. Ha ha, this is gonna be a fun adventure.

ダートバイクだ これは楽しくなりそうだ

By collecting them after they've released their eggs, they make little impact on their population.

‎卵を放った後に ‎捕獲することで‎― ‎数が減らないように配慮する

Initially we had some problems with our computer system, but they've been sorted out now.

- 我々のコンピューター・システムには最初若干のトラブルがあったが、今は全部解決されている。
- 当初はコンピューターシステムに問題がありましたが、今は既に解決しています。

I don't think they've fully adapted to the working world yet. They still seem like students.


We thought their shop was a failure, but now they've gotten out from under and even expanded.


- Do you know how long they have been married?
- Do you know how long they've been married?

- 彼らが結婚してどのくらいになるか知っていますか。
- 二人が結婚してどれくらいか知っていますか?

All the mollusks she is capturing, they're quite easy to catch, but they've got these incredibly hard shells.

‎軟体動物はどれも ‎捕まえやすいが ‎硬い貝殻が厄介だ

I'm sure that family is familiar with Japanese tastes in food. They've hosted quite a few Japanese exchange students.

- もう何人も日本人がその家庭にはホームステイしているから、きっと日本人の好みの味を知っているんだと思うよ。
- あの家族は日本人の食べ物の好みに詳しいんだよ。彼らはかなりの数の日本人留学生を受け入れているんだ。

- Being poor, they had to work hard.
- Seeing as they're poor, they've no choice but to work their hardest.


- They decided to marry next month.
- They've decided to get married next month.
- They decided to get married next month.


Time after time I've invited them to come over and visit us but time and time again they've never come.


Not again! Look at those two kissing. They've really got the hots for each other. I can't watch this any more.


Even though we were supposed to meet at 10, I've had no contact with them. I wonder if they've had an accident.


Well, for the practical problem, in the midst of those rumours flying around I'm surprised they've been able to keep that club running.


- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- They're on good terms with their neighbors.
- They've been on good terms with their neighbors.


- They are on good terms with their neighbors.
- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- They're on good terms with their neighbors.
- They've been on good terms with their neighbors.

- 彼らは隣人と仲がよい。
- 彼らは近所の人と良い間柄にある。
- 彼らはご近所と仲がいい。

"Honey, quick, quick. There's this website called Tatoeba that's auctioning its sentence collection for a cent each! They've even got special offers like buy 100 sentences and get 1 free!" "Ah great! now people collect sentences as a hobby?! What's the world coming to!"


- We had arranged to meet at 10, but, even now, I have had any contact from them at all. You don't think they got into an accident somewhere or something?
- Even though we were supposed to meet at 10, I've had no contact with them. I wonder if they've had an accident.
