Translation of "Borrowing" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Borrowing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Tom is always borrowing money.


Those who like borrowing dislike paying.


Do you remember borrowing his book?


He regretted borrowing the book from her.


He was constantly borrowing money from me.


He has a large borrowing from finance banks.


Or borrowing money from China or the World Bank.

中国や世界銀行から お金を借りる理由などありません

Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter?


My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him.


"Do you mind my borrowing your microscope?" "No, not at all."


Corporate borrowing from financial institutions is rising due to the low interest rate.


- Happy when borrowing, but upset when having to return it.
- A person will have the face of an angel when borrowing something, but the face of the devil when returning it.


For the residents of Edo, the first bonito of the year was something that had to be bought, even if it meant borrowing money.


- As children are known to emulate the values of adults, it is often pointed out such "education mamas" instill a warped sense of values in their children.
- At any time in history, in any country you can think of, a child grows up borrowing from parents' values. There are some who would point out that the kind of mentality towards education that some women called "education mama" have, is actually emotionally scarring for the child.
