Translation of "Assault" in Japanese

0.043 sec.

Examples of using "Assault" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Sometimes with a violent assault.

暴力で 奪うこともできます

- We were not prepared for the assault.
- We weren't prepared for the assault.


He was charged with assault and battery.


They made an assault on the summit.


The middle aged man was charged with assault.


On 30th March they began their assault from the north.

3月30日 攻撃は北から始まった

The city came under heavy French bombardment, and infantry assault.


They will make an assault on the summit, weather permitting.


After the first assault wave was mown down,  Lannes’ call for volunteers went unanswered.


So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

英軍はカンブレーで攻勢を開始 初の戦車による大規模攻撃である

Expedition into Upper Egypt… and later leading  a successful assault on the town of Aboukir.

一連の小競り合いに勝利し、 後にアブキールの町への攻撃を成功させました。

And on 13th June, their first assault with a single scaling ladder was easily repulsed.

6月13日 1本のハシゴを使った 最初の攻撃は安々と撃退された

The next day Davout’s troops fought off a major  Austrian dawn assault… then launched their own  

翌日、ダヴーの軍隊はオーストリアの大規模な夜明けの攻撃を撃退しました…それから彼ら自身の 攻撃を

Infantry battalion at the Siege of Toulon. He  led a daring night assault on British defences  

指揮していました 。彼は 、陸軍の砲兵長である若いボナパルト少佐と並んで、

- He was charged with assault and battery.
- He was charged with the crime of abusive language.
