Translation of "Resolution" in Italian

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Resolution" in a sentence and their italian translations:

We balloted for the resolution.

La risoluzione fu messa al ballottaggio.

I hope there is a resolution of this problem.

Spero che ci sia una risoluzione di questo problema.

He made a resolution to write in his diary every day.

Si è dato il proposito di scrivere sul suo diario ogni giorno.

My New Year's resolution is to learn how to play the ocarina.

Il mio proposito per l'anno nuovo è imparare a suonare l'ocarina.

It seemed that both were trying to reach a peaceful resolution, although it is quite

Sembrava che entrambi stessero cercando di raggiungere una risoluzione pacifica, anche se è abbastanza

- He made up his mind to keep a diary every day.
- He decided to write in his diary every day.
- He made a resolution to write in his diary every day.
- He made up his mind to write in his diary every day.

Lui decise di tenere un diario di tutti i giorni.