Translation of "Void" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Void" in a sentence and their french translations:

It's just-- there's a void.

Il n'y a que du vide.

But it's actually void of color.

mais en fait, elles sont simplement incolores.

This contract is null and void.

Ce contrat est nul et non avenu.

The will was declared void by the court.

Le testament a été déclaré nul par le tribunal.

Don't do anything that might void the warranty.

Ne faites rien qui pourrait annuler la garantie.

Each transition is a potential for loneliness or a void

Chaque étape s'accompagne d'un sentiment de solitude, de vide,

Example: "the will is void if the legatee dies before the testator"

Exemple : "le testament est caduc si le légataire meurt avant le testateur"

But the black ink prompts your brain to project food into a void.

Mais l'encre noire incite votre cerveau à imaginer la nourriture dans l'espace vide.

A man standing on the cliff was about to commit suicide by jumping into the void.

Un homme debout sur la falaise était sur le point de se suicider en sautant dans le vide.

"Lo, now to Priam, with exulting cries, / the Dardan shepherds drag a youth unknown, / with hands fast pinioned, and in captive guise. / Caught on the way, by cunning of his own, / this end to compass, and betray the town. / Prepared for either venture, void or fear, / the crafty purpose of his mind to crown, / or meet sure death."

" Cependant vers le roi quelques bergers troyens / traînent un inconnu tout chargé de liens, / qui, pour servir des Grecs le fatal stratagème, / exprès entre leurs mains s'était jeté lui-mème ; / jeune, hardi, tout prèt à l'un ou l'autre sort, / à tromper les Troyens, ou recevoir la mort. "

- Those indignant winds grumble with a loud murmuring around the confines of the mountain; Aeolus sits in his high citadel, holding his scepter, and he soothes their spirits and tempers their rages: if he did not do this, they would surely snatch away seas and lands and the deep heaven itself, and sweep them off through the windy sky.
- They, in the rock reverberant held fast, / moan at the doors. Here, throned aloft, he reigns; / his sceptre calms their rage, their violence restrains: / else earth and sea and all the firmament / the winds together through the void would sweep.

S'agitant de fureur dans leurs prisons tremblantes, / ils luttent en grondant, ils s'indignent du frein. / Au haut de son rocher, assis le sceptre en main, / Éole leur commande ; il maîtrise, il tempère / du peuple impétueux l'indocile colère : / s'ils n'étaient retenus, soudain cieux, terre, mers, / devant eux rouleraient emportés dans les airs.