Translation of "Paragraphs" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Paragraphs" in a sentence and their french translations:

Within the first three paragraphs,

dans les trois premiers paragraphes,

There isn't a division in paragraphs.

Il n'y a pas de division en paragraphes.

Spared from paragraphs, but actually discriminated against?

Épargné des paragraphes, mais effectivement discriminés?

And I'm taking paragraphs from his blog

et je prends des paragraphes de son blog

How many paragraphs did you take, David?

Combien de paragraphes avez-vous pris, David?

It is one of the few paragraphs that

C'est l'un des rares paragraphes à

Not a one liner, I'm talking about paragraphs

pas un seul paquebot, je suis parler de paragraphes