Translation of "Binding" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Binding" in a sentence and their french translations:

- It's not legally binding.
- It isn't legally binding.

Ce n'est pas une obligation légale.

Its solution is binding on the parties and is binding.

Sa solution s’impose aux parties et elle est contraignante.

It's not legally binding.

Ce n'est pas une obligation légale.

Binding with its new Henninger brand

Binding avec sa nouvelle marque Henninger

Cocaine as a binding agent for a city.

La cocaïne comme liant pour une ville.

This agreement is binding on all of us.

Cet accord nous engage tous.

And is being sold to competitor Binding and the Oetker Group

et est vendu à son concurrent Binding et au groupe Oetker

Legally binding to reduce emissions to keep the rate of global warming

contraignant pour réduire les émissions afin de maintenir le taux de réchauffement climatique en

Having a binding legal value, non-compliance exposes anyone who contravenes a prison sentence.

ayant une valeur juridique contraignante, le non respect expose tout contrevenant à une peine d'emprisonnement.

A tenancy agreement is a legally binding document between a landlord and their tenant.

Un contrat de location est un document juridiquement contraignant entre le propriétaire et le locataire.

In a week, it will be two months since I write in the lying position; even if it is binding, the Kabyle language still needs to be worked on. What else would its speakers be for, then?

Dans une semaine, cela fera deux mois que j'écris en position allongée ; même si c'est contraignant, la langue kabyle a encore besoin d'être travaillée. À quoi d'autre serviraient ses locuteurs, alors ?

- But in fear of this, the almighty father hid them in black caves, and placed a mound and high mountains over them, and he gave them a king who, under a binding agreement, would know both to suppress them and to give them loose reins, when ordered.
- But, fearing this, the Sire omnipotent / hath buried them in caverns dark and deep, / and o'er them piled huge mountains in a heap, / and set withal a monarch, there to reign, / by compact taught at his command to keep / strict watch, and tighten or relax the rein.

Aussi, pour réprimer leur fougue vagabonde, / Jupiter leur creusa cette prison profonde, / entassa des rochers sur cet affreux séjour, / et leur donna pour maître un roi qui, tour à tour / irritant par son ordre ou calmant leurs haleines, / sût tantôt resserrer, tantôt lâcher les rênes.