Translation of "Alle" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Alle" in a sentence and their english translations:

alle frustratie

any frustration

- Alle studenten lachten.
- Alle studenten hebben gelachen.

The students all laughed.

- Sluit alle ramen.
- Doe alle ramen dicht!

Close all the windows.

Alle mensen zijn sterfelijk, alle Grieken zijn mensen, dus alle Grieken zijn sterfelijk.

All men are mortal, all Greeks are men, therefore all Greeks are mortal.

- Alle bussen zitten vol.
- Alle bussen zijn vol.

- Every bus is full.
- All the buses are full.
- All of the buses are full.

- Alle kameraden sliepen.
- Alle kameraden waren in slaap.

My companions were all asleep.

- Alle mensen moeten sterven.
- Alle mannen moeten sterven.

All men must die.

- Alle studenten waren daar.
- Alle studenten waren aanwezig.

All of the students were present.

"Alle mannen moeten sterven." "Alle mannen moeten dienen."

"All men must die." "All men must serve."

alle gecultiveerde systemen,

all of the cultivated systems,

Alle studenten applaudisseerden.

All the students clapped their hands.

Alle jongens dansten.

All the boys were dancing.

Alle rechten voorbehouden.

All rights reserved.

Alle kinderen zitten.

All of the children are sitting.

Alle studenten juichten.

All the students shouted with joy.

Dood alle moordenaars!

Kill all murderers!

Sluit alle ramen.

Close all the windows.

Alle baby's huilen.

All babies cry.

Dood alle zombies.

Kill all the zombies.

Alle telefoons gingen.

All the phones were ringing.

Alle studenten lachten.

The students all laughed.

- In alle woordenboeken staan fouten.
- Alle woordenboeken bevatten fouten.

All dictionaries contain errors.

Alle paarden zijn dieren, maar niet alle dieren zijn paarden.

All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.

Regeringsleden inspecteerden alle fabrieken.

Government officials inspected all factories.

Alle mensen zijn gelijk.

- All men are equal.
- All people are equal.

Alle zitplaatsen zijn gereserveerd.

- All seats are reserved.
- All the seats are reserved.

Alle kabinetsleden waren aanwezig.

Every member of the cabinet was present.

Alle leden waren aanwezig.

All the members were present.

Alle melk was gemorst.

All of the milk was spilled.

Van alle gekke ideeën!

Of all the silly ideas!

Alle mannen zijn ijverig.

All the men are hardworking.

Probeer met alle middelen.

Try by all means.

Alle mensen ademen lucht.

All people breathe air.

Alle koekjes zijn stervormig.

- The cookies are all in the form of stars.
- All of the cookies are in the shape of stars.

Alle bladeren zijn gevallen.

The leaves have all fallen.

Alle bussen zijn vol.

All the buses are full.

Alle appels zijn rood.

All apples are red.

Alle bussen zitten vol.

All of the buses are full.

Kunnen alle vogels vliegen?

Can all birds fly?

Alle studenten zijn aanwezig.

All the students are present.

Zijn alle dokters gezond?

Are all doctors healthy?

Zijn alle cafés gesloten?

Are all the bars shut?

Alle mannen willen geld.

All men want money.

Alle ballen zijn geel.

All of the balls are yellow.

Alle appelbomen werden geveld.

All the apple trees were cut down.

Alle honden zijn trouw.

All dogs are faithful.

Alle studenten waren daar.

- All of the students were present.
- All the students were there.

Alle honden zijn levend.

All the dogs are alive.

Alle vrouwen zijn mooi.

All women are beautiful.

Alle parkeerplaatsen zijn bezet.

All the parking spots are taken.

Alle woordenboeken bevatten fouten.

All dictionaries contain errors.

Doe alle ramen dicht!

Close all the windows.

Alle hulp is tevergeefs.

All help is in vain.

Alle anderen doen het.

Everyone else does it.

Alle mensen moeten sterven.

All men must die.