Translation of "خاطئاً" in English

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Examples of using "خاطئاً" in a sentence and their english translations:

قد يكون خاطئاً.

could be wrong.

‫كان قراراً خاطئاً!‬

That was a bad call!

- ما فعلته أنتَ كان خاطئاً.
- ما فعلتيهِ أنتِ كان خاطئاً.

What you did was wrong.

نصفها مازال يعتبر خاطئاً.

half of it's still wrong.

ولكن هذا كان خاطئاً

But that was wrong

آه، كان ذلك خاطئاً!

Ah, that was wrong!

ما فعلته أنا كان خاطئاً.

What I did was wrong.

لن يصغي إليك أحدا حتى تقول شيئا خاطئاً.

Nobody listens until you say something wrong.

‫ها نحن ذا.‬ ‫أرجو ألا يكون هذا قراراً خاطئاً.‬

There we go. Let's hope that was not a bad decision.

يلاحظ بأن الضابط المسؤول عنه يبدو وكأنه قد اتخذ قراراً خاطئاً.

notices that his senior officer might have made a crucial misjudgement.