Translation of "Doğdu" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Doğdu" in a sentence and their english translations:

Meksika'da doğdu.

He was born in Mexico.

İsviçre'de doğdu.

He was born in Switzerland.

Nerede doğdu?

- Where was he born?
- Where was she born?

Burada doğdu.

He was born here.

- O ABD'de doğdu.
- O, Birleşik Devletler'de doğdu.

- He was born in the U.S.A.
- He was born in America.
- He was born in the United States.
- He was born in the US.

- O ne zaman doğdu?
- Ne zaman doğdu?

When was she born?

- Tom doksanlı yıllarda doğdu.
- Tom doksanlarda doğdu.

Tom was born in the nineties.

- Sami Müslüman doğdu.
- Sami Müslüman olarak doğdu.

Sami was born Muslim.

"Güneş doğdu mu?" "Evet, daha yeni doğdu."

"Has the sun come up yet." "Yes, it just came up."

Aslanlara fırsat doğdu.

This is the lions’ chance.

O Afrika'da doğdu.

He was born in Africa.

Tom nerede doğdu?

Where was Tom born?

O dilsiz doğdu.

He was born dumb.

O nerede doğdu?

- Where was he born?
- Where was she born?

Paul, Roma'da doğdu.

Paul was born in Rome.

O Osaka'da doğdu.

He was born in Osaka.

O zengin doğdu.

He was born rich.

O, Ohio'da doğdu.

- He was born in Ohio.
- She was born in Ohio.

O, İsviçre'de doğdu.

She was born in Switzerland.

O, Amerika'da doğdu.

She was born in America.

O Meksika'da doğdu.

She was born in Mexico.

Kaiser, Almanya'da doğdu.

Kaiser was born in Germany.

Jasmin Almanya'da doğdu.

Jasmin was born in Germany.

Tom erken doğdu.

Tom was born premature.

O şanslı doğdu.

She was born lucky.

Güneş doğdu mu?

Is the sun up yet?

Tom zengin doğdu.

Tom was born rich.

Tom şanslı doğdu.

Tom was born lucky.

Babam Michigan'da doğdu.

My father was born in Michigan.

Güneş henüz doğdu.

The sun has just risen.

Onlar nerede doğdu?

Where were they born?

O Amerika'da doğdu.

He was born in America.

O kışın doğdu.

He was born in the winter.

O, Roma'da doğdu.

He was born in Rome.

O Nagasaki'de doğdu.

He was born in Nagasaki.

Jones ABD'de doğdu.

- Jones was born in the United States.
- Jones was born in the US.

Muhammet, Mekke'de doğdu.

Muhammad was born in Mecca.

Tom orada doğdu.

Tom was born there.

Çocuklarım Boston'da doğdu.

My children were born in Boston.

Tom ekimde doğdu.

Tom was born in October.

John ABD'de doğdu.

John was born in the US.

Bebeğimiz sağlıklı doğdu.

Our baby was born healthy.

Tunupa, Bolivya'da doğdu.

Tunupa was born in Bolivia.

O seksenlerde doğdu.

He was born in the eighties.

Tom Avustralya'da doğdu.

Tom was born in Australia.

O Roma'da doğdu.

She was born in Rome.

O, Yunanistan'da doğdu.

He was born in Greece.

İsa, Meryem'den doğdu.

Jesus was born of Mary.

John, Amerika'da doğdu.

John was born in America.

Nixon Kaliforniya'da doğdu.

Nixon was born in California.

O, İngiltere'de doğdu.

She was born in England.

Tom Boston'da doğdu.

Tom was born in Boston.

Tom kışın doğdu.

Tom was born in the winter.

El Tobosa'da doğdu.

She was born in El Toboso.

Sami, Filipinler'de doğdu.

Sami was born in the Philippines.

Zümrüdüanka küllerinden doğdu.

The phoenix rose from its ashes.

Kopernik, Toruń'da doğdu.

Copernicus was born in Toruń.

- Muhammed (s.a.v.) Mekke'de doğdu.
- Hz. Muhammed Mekke'de doğdu.

- Muhammad was born in Mecca.
- Muhammed was born in Mecca.

- O, 19. yüzyılda doğdu.
- O on dokuzuncu yüzyılda doğdu.

He was born in the 19th century.

- Ebeveynlerim Aichi Prefecture'da doğdu.
- Anne babam Aichi ilinde doğdu.

My parents were born in Aichi Prefecture.

- O, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde doğdu.
- O, Birleşik Devletler'de doğdu.

- He was born in the U.S.A.
- He was born in America.
- He was born in the United States.
- He was born in the US.

Köpeğin bu yıl doğdu.

Your dog was born this year.

Lucia ne zaman doğdu?

When was Lucia born?

O geçen yıl doğdu.

She was born last year.

O âmâ olarak doğdu.

She was born blind.

O, 1960 yılında doğdu.

- He was born in 1960.
- She was born in 1960.

Molière 1622'de doğdu.

Molière was born in 1622.

Osaka'da doğdu ve yetişti.

She was born and brought up in Osaka.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Avusturya'da doğdu.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria.

Woody Allen nerede doğdu?

Where was Woody Allen born?

Tom bir gemide doğdu.

Tom was born on a ship.

Tokyo'da doğdu ve büyüdü.

He was born and brought up in Tokyo.

Tom bir uçakta doğdu.

Tom was born on a plane.

Tom 1990'larda doğdu.

Tom was born in the 1990s.

O hangi saatte doğdu?

At what hour was she born?

Napolyon Bonapart, Korsika'da doğdu.

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica.

Muhammed (s.a.v.) Mekke'de doğdu.

- Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in Mecca.
- Muhammed was born in Mecca.

Hz. İsa Beytüllahim'de doğdu.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Tom ne zaman doğdu?

When was Tom born?