Translation of "Young" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Young" in a sentence and their english translations:

La Señorita Young es muy amable.

Miss Young is very kind.

Scot Young: Queremos empezar con una pregunta.

Scot Young: We want to start off with a question for you.

El Sr. Young no tiene menos de seis autos.

Mr Young has no less than six cars.

A la señorita Young no le importaría si la visitara inesperadamente.

Mrs. Young wouldn't mind my dropping in on her unexpectedly.

El folclorista Jonathan Young dice que lo único que puede lastimarlo era un arma fijada con saliva humana.

Folklorist Jonathan Young says the only thing that could harm it was a weapon tipped in human saliva.

La tripulación del Apolo 10 estaba formada por el comandante Tom Stafford, el piloto del módulo de mando John Young y el

The Apollo 10 crew was Commander Tom Stafford, Command Module Pilot John Young, and Lunar