Translation of "Reconocer" in English

0.451 sec.

Examples of using "Reconocer" in a sentence and their english translations:

Puede reconocer

it can recognize food

¿Puedes reconocer esto?

Can you identify this?

Y tenemos que reconocer

And what we need to recognize

Deberías reconocer tu derrota.

You should acknowledge your failure.

El primer paso es reconocer

The first step is recognize

[Reconocer, Aceptar, Investigar, No Identificarse]

[Recognize, Accept, Investigate, Non-Identity]

Luego, aprender a aceptar, reconocer,

Afterwards, learn to accept, acknowledge,

Reconocer este dos por ciento,

To recognize these two percent,

Nadie quiso reconocer el error.

No one wanted to acknowledge the mistake.

Pero lo que es importante reconocer

but what's important to learn here

En vez de reconocer cómo somos.

rather than recognizing how we are.

No la pude reconocer al principio.

I couldn't recognize her at first.

- ¿Puedes identificar esto?
- ¿Puedes reconocer esto?

Can you identify this?

A reconocer derechos políticos y sociales

to recognize political and social rights

Quiero reconocer al fin la libertad.

I want to finally know what freedom is.

reconocer cuándo alguien me supera.

- I know when I've been bested.
- I can tell when I've been bested.

O si alguno simplemente no podía reconocer

or that some people just couldn't admit to themselves

A reconocer el terreno, identificar posibles obstáculos.

mapping the terrain, identifying potential obstacles,

Deberíamos reconocer las limitaciones de nuestros análisis.

should recognize the limitations of our analysis.

- "A reconocer estos resultados adversos, a aceptarlos".

- "To recognize these adverse outcomes, to accept".

Número 3: reconocer y reflexionar sobre mis sentimientos;

Number 3: acknowledge and reflect on my feelings;

Dicen que una computadora puede reconocer un tumor

they say that a computer can recognize a tumor

él fuera capaz de reconocer perfectamente el camino?

he knew the exact route?

Por tomarse el tiempo de reconocer a alguien.

because of taking the time to notice somebody else.

Pero hoy esa intención resulta imposible de reconocer.

But today, that intention has been distorted beyond recognition.

En un sistema injusto. Y hay que reconocer

and we must acknowledge

En la oscuridad, apenas podíamos reconocer dos figuras.

We could barely make out two figures in the dark.

Tengo que reconocer la fuente de tus citas.

I have to recognize the source of your quotations.

Lo puedo reconocer incluso de entre una multitud.

I can recognize him even in a crowd.

La gente tiene que reconocer sus propios errores.

People ought to recognise their own mistakes.

¿Puedes reconocer a la persona en esta fotografía?

- Can you recognise the person in this picture?
- Do you recognize the person in this picture?

Es reconocer y cultivar las pasiones de mis alumnos

to recognize and cultivate my students’ passions,

Son muy fáciles de reconocer: tienen barba y gafitas,

they are easy to recognise: they have beards and wear glasses,

Ella tenía miedo de reconocer que no lo sabía.

She was scared to admit that she didn't know.

Y lo único que me queda es reconocer fue,

And the only thing left for me to acknowledge was,

Se requiere más información para reconocer un fenómeno inesperado.

More information is needed to recognize an unexpected phenomenon.

Los músicos pueden reconocer las sutiles diferencias entre sonidos.

A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds.

Y creo que muchos tenemos o podemos reconocer historias similares.

And I think many of us have or can recognize similar stories.

Ya que, cuando la lógica no tiene nada que reconocer,

Because when there's nothing to recognize for our rational mind,

Eso significa reconocer que la tecnología que monitorea quiénes somos,

But that means recognizing that technology that tracks who we are,

Que un pulpo en cautividad puede reconocer a diferentes humanos.

that an octopus in captivity can recognize different humans.

Hubo muchos que no lo pudieron reconocer con ese disfraz.

There were many who couldn't recognize him in that disguise.

Él tenía que reconocer que tampoco sus traducciones son perfectas.

He had to recognize that neither of his translations were perfect.

Por su acento, uno puede reconocer que él es alemán.

One can tell by his accent that he's German.

Hay que reconocer que todo se lo debemos a ella.

It must be recognized that we owe it all to her.

Deberías reconocer que en sus palabras hay algo de verdad.

You should recognize there there is some truth to his words.

Porque los criaremos para ser capaces de reconocer su potencial individual,

Because we'll be bringing them up to recognize their individual potential,

Tras reconocer cómo estos cinco mecanismos de defensa matan el compromiso,

So, after recognizing how these five D's kill engagement,

El primer paso para resolver un problema es reconocer que existe.

The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.

Como reconocer una cara o resolver una ecuación o lo que sea,

for instance recognize a face or solve an equation or whatsoever,

Todo esto nos obliga a reconocer un poder mayor que nosotros mismos

All of this requires us to recognize a power greater than ourselves

Y reconocer que sí, existen hombres malos y abusivos en el mundo,

and recognize that yes, there are bad, abusive men in this world,

Le dije,"mi rotor no está doblado. Sé reconocer un rotor doblado".

I said, "Yeah, my rotor is not bent. I know a bent rotor."

Hay que reconocer que no fue la mejor comida que he probado.

Admittedly, it wasn't the best meal I've ever eaten.

¿Puedes explicar como se puede reconocer la excelente labor de los empleados?

Can you say how employees may be recognized for excellent performance?

Aprende a reconocer cuándo te debes mantener callado y cuándo debes hablar.

Know when to keep silent and when to speak up.

Tom fue el primero en reconocer el don para la música de María.

Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent.

No se puede reconocer el hoy si no se quiere ver el ayer.

You can't recognize today if you don't want to look at yesterday.

Yo solo tuve la visión y la perspicacia para reconocer diamantes en bruto

I only had the vision and the insight to recognize diamonds in the rough,

Supongo que sí. A los dos años uno ya sabe reconocer las relaciones intensas.

I guess, yes. At two, you already know how to recognize deep relationships.

Y reconocer que el poder que ostentan por haber nacido dónde y cuándo nacieron

and to see that the power they have being born where and when they have

Sócrates dijo que reconocer tu propia ignorancia es el primer paso hacia la sabiduría.

Socrates said that recognising your own ignorance is the first step towards wisdom.

Un héroe a menudo es solo una persona sin la habilidad de reconocer el peligro.

A hero is often just a person who doesn't have the ability to recognise danger.

El Presidente no tuvo más remedio que reconocer la contundente victoria electoral de su oponente.

The president had no other recourse than to admit the decisive victory of his opponent in the elections.

- Finalmente sus derechos tuvieron que ser reconocidos.
- Al final se tuvieron que reconocer sus derechos.

Eventually, his rights had to be acknowledged.

Ney se apresuró a reconocer su talento, le dio un trabajo como ayudante de campo y ayudó

Ney had been quick to recognise his talent, giving him a job as his aide-de-camp and helping

- Él tenía miedo de reconocer que no lo sabía.
- Él tenía miedo de admitir que no sabía.

He was scared to admit that he didn't know.

Las supersticiones provienen de la incapacidad de los hombres a reconocer que las coincidencias son simplemente coincidencias.

Superstitions derive from the inability of men to acknowledge that coincidences are merely coincidences.

Me da que Tom no va a reconocer que no tiene ni pajolera idea de cómo llevarlo a cabo.

- I don't think that Tom will admit that he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think that Tom will admit he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think Tom will admit that he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think Tom will admit he doesn't know how to do that.

Sin embargo, para poder avanzar, debemos reconocer que el camino existente hacia la integración global requiere una corrección de rumbo.

In order to move forward, though, we do have to acknowledge that the existing path to global integration requires a course correction.

Yo prefiero la letra tradicional. Debido a la abundancia de material de lectura en letra simplificada, también puedo reconocer muchas de esas.

I prefer traditional characters. Due to the abundance of reading materials in simplified characters, I can recognize many of them too.

- No creo que Tom admita que no tiene ni idea.
- Me parece que Tom no va a reconocer que no sabe hacerlo.

- I don't think that Tom will admit that he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think that Tom will admit he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think Tom will admit that he doesn't know how to do that.
- I don't think Tom will admit he doesn't know how to do that.

Cuando alguien admite que no hay nada seguro, debe, creo yo, también reconocer que algunas cosas son mucho más casi seguras que otras.

When one admits that nothing is certain one must, I think, also admit that some things are much more nearly certain than others.

Las historias de reconocidas mujeres que tuvieron los pantalones para reconocer su problema hacen las veces de ejemplos de una lucha con el alcoholismo.

The stories of famous women who had the courage to recognize their problem serve as examples of a struggle with alcoholism.

Creo que necesitamos reconocer estos logros para poder concitar la confianza para llevar este progreso hacia adelante y para asegurarnos de no abandonar esas mismas cosas que han traído este progreso.

I believe that we need to acknowledge these achievements in order to summon the confidence to carry this progress forward and to make sure that we do not abandon those very things that have delivered this progress.

Se acostó ella a sus pies hasta la madrugada; se levantó él a la hora en que todavía un hombre no puede reconocer a otro, pues se decía: "Que no se sepa que la mujer ha venido a la era."

So she slept at his feet till the night was going off. And she arose before men could know one another, and Boaz said: Beware lest any man know that thou camest hither.

Sin una base común de hechos, sin la voluntad de admitir nueva información, y de reconocer que tu oponente podría estar teniendo un punto razonable y que la ciencia y la razón importan, entonces vamos a seguir hablando del pasado el uno con el otro, y vamos a hacer interés común y un acuerdo mutuo imposible.

Without some common baseline of facts, without a willingness to admit new information, and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point, and that science and reason matter then we're going to keep talking past each other, and we'll make common ground and compromise impossible.