Translation of "Quitarse" in English

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Examples of using "Quitarse" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Deberías quitarte tu abrigo.
- Debería quitarse su abrigo.
- Deberían quitarse su abrigo.

You should take off your coat.

Ella intentó quitarse la vida.

She attempted suicide.

Comenzó a quitarse la ropa.

He began taking off his clothes.

- Necesita quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar.
- Necesitan quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar.

- You need to take off your shoes before entering.
- You need to take your shoes off before entering.

O por intentar quitarse la vida.

or for attempting to take his life.

Ella intentó quitarse la vida anoche.

She tried to kill herself last night.

Él no podía quitarse la mala costumbre.

He could not get out of the bad habit.

Ella estaba a punto de quitarse la vida.

She was on the verge of killing herself.

Tom le ayudó a Mary a quitarse la chaqueta.

Tom helped Mary take off her jacket.

¿Cuál es la mejor forma de quitarse una resaca?

What's the best way to get over a hangover?

- Ella intentó suicidarse.
- Ella intentó quitarse la vida.
- Intentó suicidarse.

- She tried to commit suicide.
- She attempted suicide.

Lo primero que hizo fue desatarse las agujetas y quitarse los zapatos.

The first thing he did was to untie his shoelaces and take his shoes off.

Escribir la historia es un modo de quitarse de encima el pasado.

Writing up history is a method of getting rid of the past.

El hombre empezó a quitarse el sombrero, las gafas y la máscara.

The man began to take off his hat, glasses and mask.

- Ella intentó suicidarse.
- Ella intentó quitarse la vida.
- Ha intentado suicidarse.
- Intentó suicidarse.

- She attempted to kill herself.
- She tried to commit suicide.
- She attempted suicide.

Tom se quejaba de que no podía quitarse esa canción de la cabeza.

Tom complained that he couldn't get that song out of his head.

- Ella estaba a punto de quitarse la vida.
- Ella estuvo a punto de suicidarse.

- She was on the border of killing herself.
- She was on the verge of killing herself.

Es costumbre en Asia quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar a una casa o templo.

In Asian culture it's customary to take one's shoes off before entering a house or temple.

Antes en Israel, en caso de rescate o de cambio, para dar fuerza al contrato, había la costumbre de quitarse uno la sandalia y dársela al otro. Ésta era la manera de testificar en Israel. El que tenía el derecho de rescate dijo a Booz: "Adquiérela para ti." Y se quitó la sandalia.

Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel. So the near kinsman said to Boaz, "Buy it for yourself," then he took off his sandal.