Translation of "Haberme" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Haberme" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Deberías haberme escuchado.
- Debiste haberme escuchado.

- You should have listened to me.
- You should've listened to me.

Debería haberme escuchado.

You should've listened to me.

Deberías haberme escuchado.

- You should have listened to me.
- You should've listened to me.

Puede haberme mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

Podrías haberme preguntado.

You could've asked me.

Deberíais haberme despertado.

- You should have woken me up.
- You should've woken me up.

Debiste haberme llamado...

- You should've phoned me.
- You should've called me.

¿Recuerdas haberme visto antes?

Do you remember seeing me before?

Debería haberme ido antes.

- I should have left earlier.
- I should've left earlier.

Creía haberme vuelto inmortal.

I believed to have become immortal.

Deberías haberme dejado ayudarte.

- You should've let me help you.
- You should have let me help you.

Debo de haberme desmayado.

- I must have passed out.
- I must've passed out.

No deberías haberme mentido.

You shouldn't have lied to me.

No debiste haberme abandonado.

You shouldn't have abandoned me.

¡Nunca debería haberme casado!

I should have never married.

Debo de haberme resfriado.

- I must have caught a cold.
- I must've caught a cold.

Gracias por haberme avisado.

I thank you for the warning.

- Tú debiste de haberme contado la verdad.
- Deberías haberme contado la verdad.

- You should have told me the truth.
- You should've told me the truth.

Debo de haberme expresado mal.

I must have expressed myself badly.

Lamento haberme perdido el discurso.

I regret missing the speech.

Debo haberme cogido un resfriado.

- I must have caught a cold.
- I must've caught a cold.

Muchas gracias por haberme invitado.

Thank you so much for inviting me.

¡Quería haberme casado con ella!

Would that I had married her!

Muchas gracias por haberme advertido.

Thanks a lot for having warned me!

Debo de haberme quedado dormido

- I must have dozed off.
- I must've dozed off.

Debería haberme quedado en casa.

- I should've stayed home.
- I should have stayed home.

Debo de haberme quedado dormido.

- I must have nodded off.
- I must've nodded off.

Le agradecí por haberme ayudado.

I thanked him for helping me.

Debería haberme traído el ordenador.

- I wish I had brought my computer.
- I wish I'd brought my computer.

Debería haberme quedado con Tom.

- I should've stayed with Tom.
- I should have stayed with Tom.

No tendrías que haberme votado.

You shouldn't have voted for me.

Siento haberme equivocado de dirección.

I'm sorry I've mistaken the direction.

Querría haberme casado con ella.

I wish I had got married to her.

Debería haberme puesto un abrigo.

- I should've worn a coat.
- I should have worn a coat.

- Deberías haberme dicho que no sabes nadar.
- Deberían haberme dicho que no saben nadar.
- Deberíais haberme dicho que no sabéis nadar.

- You should have told me that you can't swim.
- You should've told me that you can't swim.

Podría haberme orinado en los pantalones.

Like, I could piss my pants.

Debes haberme confundido con alguien más.

- You must have me confused with someone else.
- You must have me confused with somebody else.

Gracias por haberme invitado a cenar.

Thank you for inviting me to dinner.

Recuerdo haberme leído antes esta novela.

I remember reading this novel before.

Debiste haberme contado antes el problema.

You should've told me what the problem was earlier.

No debería haberme acostado con ella.

I shouldn't have slept with her.

Podrías haberme hablado de esto antes.

- You could've told me about this earlier.
- You could have told me about this earlier.

Sabía que debería haberme casado contigo.

I knew I should've married you.

Debiste haberme dicho que necesitabas dinero.

- You should've told me you needed money.
- You should have told me you needed money.

Debería haberme quedado en la cama.

I should've stayed in bed.

No debí haberme levantado tan temprano.

I shouldn't have gotten up so early.

- No debería haberme acostado tarde ayer.
- No debí haberme ido a la cama tan tarde, ayer.

I shouldn't have gone to bed so late yesterday.

- No debí haberme quedado despierto toda la noche.
- No debería haberme quedado despierto toda la noche.

I shouldn't have stayed up all night.

Bendito seas por no haberme hecho mujer.

- Blessed for not making me a woman.
- Blessed You, our God, King of the world, for not making me a woman.

Podrías haberme matado, pero no lo hiciste.

You could have killed me, but you didn't.

Debería haberme dejado la cámara en casa.

- I should've left my camera at home.
- I should have left my camera at home.

Tú debiste de haberme contado la verdad.

- You should have told me the truth.
- You should've told me the truth.

No puede haberme visto en la fiesta.

She cannot have seen me at the party.

Lamento haberme pasado tanto tiempo sin escribirte.

I am sorry that I have not written to you for such a long time.

Me alegro de haberme encontrado con vosotros.

I'm glad to have met you.

Debí haberme levantado más temprano esta mañana.

I should've gotten up earlier this morning.

- No debí meterme.
- No debería haberme involucrado.

I shouldn't have gotten involved.

Ayer debería haberme ido a dormir antes.

I should've gone to bed earlier yesterday.

- No debí haberme tomado esa última botella de cerveza.
- No debería haberme bebido la última botella de cerveza.

I shouldn't have drunk that last bottle of beer.

- Puede que me haya mentido.
- Puede haberme mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

Solo tenías que haberme preguntado, lo habría hecho.

If you'd just asked me, I would've done it.

Gracias por haberme ayudado a hacer la tarea.

- Thank you for helping me with my homework.
- Thank you for helping me to do my homework.

Es muy amable de su parte haberme invitado.

How nice of you to invite me along!

Eres muy amable por haberme mostrado el camino.

You are very kind to show me the way.

Lamenté profundamente haberme quedado hasta tarde cuando amaneció.

I thoroughly regretted staying up so late, come morning.

Tom podría haberme dado consejo si hubiera querido.

- Tom could've given me some advice if he'd wanted to.
- Tom could have given me some advice if he'd wanted to.

Debiste haberme dicho que querías que yo viniera solo.

- You should have told me that you wanted me to come alone.
- You should've told me that you wanted me to come alone.