Translation of "Mentido" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Mentido" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Reconoció haber mentido.
- Confesó haber mentido.

He made an admission that he had lied.

- Puede que me haya mentido.
- Puede haberme mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

Puede haberme mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

¿Cuándo he mentido?

When have I told a lie?

- Fue obvio que habían mentido.
- Era obvio que habían mentido.

It was obvious that they had lied.

No puede haber mentido.

She cannot have told a lie.

Puede que haya mentido.

He may have told a lie.

Nunca te he mentido.

I've never lied to you.

Tom te ha mentido.

- Tom lied to you.
- Tom has lied to you.

No deberías haberme mentido.

You shouldn't have lied to me.

Nos has mentido, ¿verdad?

You lied to us, didn't you?

Nos habéis mentido, ¿no?

You lied to us, didn't you?

¿Cuándo te he mentido?

When did I ever lie to you?

¿Por qué has mentido?

Why did you lie?

- Era obvio que habían mentido.
- Era obvio que ellos habían mentido.

It was obvious that they had told a lie.

- El chico ha reconocido que ha mentido.
- El chico reconoció haber mentido.

The boy acknowledged having lied.

El chico reconoció haber mentido.

The boy acknowledged having lied.

¿En qué más has mentido?

What else have you lied about?

Nancy no puede haber mentido.

Nancy cannot have told a lie.

Él admitió que había mentido.

He made an admission that he had lied.

¿Has mentido a tus padres?

Did you lie to your parents?

- Me mentiste.
- Me has mentido.

- You lied to me.
- You lied to me!

Era obvio que habían mentido.

It was obvious that they had lied.

Creo que me has mentido.

I think you lied to me.

Ella me acusó de haber mentido.

She accused me of telling a lie.

Creo que ella nunca ha mentido.

- My belief is that she has never told a lie.
- I believe that she has never told a lie.

Ellos concluyeron que él había mentido.

They concluded that he had told a lie.

Era obvio que ellos habían mentido.

It was obvious that they had told a lie.

Él la acusó de haberle mentido.

He accused her of having lied to him.

Me siento culpable por haber mentido.

I feel guilty for lying.

Él me ha mentido muchas veces.

He lied to me many times.

¿Crees que Tom nos ha mentido?

Do you think Tom lied to us?

El hecho es que ha mentido.

The fact is that she lied.

Ella le acusó de haberle mentido.

She accused him of having lied to her.

Me siento culpable por haberle mentido.

I feel bad about lying to him.

- No me puedo creer que me hayas mentido.
- No me puedo creer que me hayáis mentido.

I can't believe you lied to me.

Es posible que ella me haya mentido.

She may have told me a lie.

- ¿Por qué mentiste?
- ¿Por qué has mentido?

Why did you lie?

Es posible que Tom te haya mentido.

It's possible that Tom lied to you.

- Tom te ha mentido.
- Tom te mintió.

Tom lied to you.

- Mentí sin querer.
- He mentido sin querer.

I lied unwillingly.

Harry se avergüenza de haberle mentido a Sally.

Harry is ashamed of having lied to Sally.

¿Le has mentido alguna vez a tu madre?

Have you ever lied to your mother?

Debería haber mentido, pero le dije la verdad.

I should have lied, but I told her the truth.

No me puedo creer que me hayas mentido.

I can't believe you lied to me.

¿Alguna vez le has mentido a tu novio?

- Have you ever lied to your boyfriend?
- Have you ever told your boyfriend a lie?

Me ha mentido, por eso estoy enfadada con él.

He lied to me. That is why I am angry with him.

Creo que es una pena que él haya mentido.

- I think it a pity that he told a lie.
- I think it's a pity that he lied.

Dice que no ha mentido nunca, lo cual es mentira.

He says he has never told a lie, which is a lie.

- Me mentiste, ¿no?
- Me mentiste, ¿verdad?
- Me has mentido, ¿no es cierto?

You lied to me, didn't you?

- Me engañó. Por eso estoy enfadado con él.
- Me ha mentido, por eso estoy enfadada con él.

He lied to me. That is why I am angry with him.

- Dice que no ha mentido nunca, lo cual es mentira.
- Dice no haber dicho nunca mentiras, lo que es una mentira.

He says he has never told a lie, which is a lie.