Translation of "Fastidia" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Fastidia" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Fastidia.
- Joroba.

It's annoying.

Su esposa le fastidia constantemente.

His wife nags him constantly.

Me fastidia tener que salir.

I hate having to go out.

Me fastidia tener que ir.

It bothers me having to go.

Me fastidia no poder ir.

I'm annoyed that I can't go.

Meg a veces fastidia a Ken.

Meg sometimes annoys Ken.

Me fastidia no llegar a tiempo.

It bothers me not getting there on time.

Le fastidia que estés siempre durmiendo.

It bothers him that you're always sleeping.

Para empeorar las cosas, él ni siquiera es consciente de que fastidia a los vecinos.

To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying his neighbors.

Lo que más me fastidia es que alguien se me acerque y me diga entre líneas:

My biggest pet peeve is when someone comes up and says something along the lines of:

Lo que me fastidia no es lo que dice sino la manera en que lo dice.

It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it.