Translation of "Dimitir" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Dimitir" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Quieres dimitir?

Do you want to resign?

¿Debería dimitir?

Should I quit my job?

Ella decidió dimitir.

- She decided to resign.
- She decided to quit her job.

La obligaron a dimitir.

She was forced to resign.

Le forzaron a dimitir.

They forced him to resign.

Voy a dimitir el lunes.

I'm resigning on Monday.

Tom fue forzado a dimitir.

Tom was forced to resign.

- Decidí dimitir.
- He decidido renunciar.

I chose to resign.

La ministra no quiere dimitir.

The minister doesn't want to resign.

Estoy seguro de que va a dimitir.

I am certain that he will quit his job.

No quiero dimitir de mi trabajo de momento.

I don't want to resign my job at present.

¿Sabéis cuál fue su siguiente paso después de dimitir?

Do you know what is the next step after resigning?

No sabía que él se había decidido a dimitir.

I didn't know he had decided to leave his job.

Que el Presidente le iba a echar, que regresará a Washington y que se planteara dimitir.

that the president was going to fire him, that he went back to Washington and to plan to resign.

- Estoy seguro de que él va a dejar su trabajo.
- Estoy seguro de que va a dimitir.

I am certain that he will quit his job.

Ya han dicho que ni van a dimitir ni se lo van a poner fácil al nuevo Primer Ministro.

They have already said that they will neither resign nor be they will make the new Prime Minister easy.