Translation of "Contara" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Contara" in a sentence and their english translations:

Me dijo que no contara mentiras.

He told me not to tell lies.

Tom hizo que María le contara todo.

Tom made Mary tell him everything.

Seguramente ahora querríais que os lo contara, ¿verdad?

Now probably you want me to tell you about that, right?

- Tom quería que Mary le contara sobre su infancia.
- Tom quería que Mary le contara acerca de su infancia.

Tom wanted Mary to tell him about her childhood.

Tom quería que Mary le contara sobre su infancia.

Tom wanted Mary to tell him about her childhood.

Tomás le rogó a María para que no le contara a sus padres.

Tom begged Mary not to say anything to his parents.

Ella me pidió que no se lo contara a nadie. Así que no lo hice.

She asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn't.

Tom conocía algunas cosas de Mary que ella confiaba en que no se las contara a John.

- Tom knew certain things about Mary that she hoped he wouldn't tell John.
- Tom knew certain things about Mary she hoped he wouldn't tell John.

¿Qué daño haría que un hombre contara una gran mentira en honor a lo bueno y a la iglesia cristiana? ... Una mentira por necesidad, una mentira útil, una mentira que nos ayudara, esa clase de mentira no iría contra Dios, Él la aceptaría.

What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church … a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.