Translation of "¿echaste" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "¿echaste" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Echaste sal?

You threw salt?

Le echaste demasiada pimienta.

You put in too much pepper.

Te echaste la lavadora.

You broke the washing machine.

Tú les echaste la bronca.

You ticked them off.

- Te echaste la lavadora.
- Rompiste el lavarropas.

You broke the washing machine.

¿Ya le echaste gasolina a la moto?

Has the motorcycle been filled up with gas yet?

- Echas demasiada pimienta.
- Le echaste demasiada pimienta.

You put in too much pepper.

- Has estropeado la lavadora.
- Te echaste la lavadora.

You broke the washing machine.

¿Dónde está María? Ella acaba de volar en su escoba ¡La echaste de menos!

"Where is Maria?" "She just flew off on her broom. You just missed her!"