Translation of "Has" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Has" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Has elegido?
- ¿Has escogido?

Have you chosen?

- ¿Has comprendido?
- ¿Has entendido?

Did you understand?

- ¿Has perdido peso?
- ¿Has adelgazado?

- Have you lost weight?
- Did you lose weight?

- ¿Ya has comido?
- ¿Has comido?

- Have you eaten yet?
- Did you eat yet?

- ¿Has elegido?
- ¿Has escogido?
- ¿Elegiste?

Have you chosen?

- Has engordado.
- Has ganado peso.

- You have gained weight.
- You've gained weight.

- ¿Ya has almorzado?
- ¿Has almorzado?

- Have you eaten your lunch yet?
- Have you eaten lunch?

- ¿Te has despertado?
- ¿Has despertado?

Have you woken up?

- ¿Las has visto?
- ¿La has visto?

- Did you see them?
- Did you see her?

- ¡Cómo has crecido!
- ¡Cuánto has crecido!

How you've grown!

- ¿Has venido solo?
- ¿Has venido sola?

Did you come here alone?

- ¿Has oído eso?
- ¿Lo has oído?

- Did you hear that?
- Did you hear it?

- ¿Has terminado de hablar?
- ¿Has acabado?

Have you finished talking?

- ¿Lo has visto?
- ¿Has visto eso?

Did you see that?

- ¿Lo has intentado?
- ¿Lo has probado?

Did you try it?

- ¿Los has visto?
- ¿Las has visto?

- Have you seen them?
- Did you see them?
- Did you see her?
- Did you happen to see them?

Has hecho lo que has podido.

You've done all you can.

- ¡Has ganado!
- Has ganado.
- Tú ganaste.

- You've won!
- You've won.
- You have won.

- ¿Los has encontrado?
- ¿Las has encontrado?

- Have you found them?
- Did you find them?

- Has cogido peso.
- Engordaste.
- Has engordado.

You've put on weight.

- ¿Has almorzado ya?
- ¿Has comido ya?

Have you already had lunch?

¿Has almorzado?

- Have you eaten lunch?
- Have you had lunch?
- Did you eat lunch?
- Did you have dinner?

¿Has comprendido?

- Are you getting this?
- Did you understand that?

¿Has adelgazado?

Have you lost weight?

Has cambiado.

- You've changed.
- You have changed.

Has crecido.

You've grown.

¿Has fumado?

Have you been smoking?

¡Has ganado!

- You've won!
- You've won.

Has engordado.

You've grown fat.

Has ganado.

You won.

Has vuelto.

- You're back.
- You came back.
- You got back home.

¿Has podido?

- Is it done?
- Is it finished?

¿Has comido?

- Have you eaten?
- Did you eat yet?

¿Has cenado?

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you eaten dinner?

- No has accedido.
- No has iniciado sesión.

You are not logged in.

- ¿Has venido aquí sola?
- ¿Has venido solo?
- ¿Has venido sola?
- ¿Viniste aquí solo?

Did you come here alone?

- ¿Has comprado un melón?
- ¿Has comprado una sandía?

Have you bought a watermelon?

- ¿Has hablado con ellos?
- ¿Has hablado con ellas?

- Did you speak with them?
- Have you been talking to them?

- ¿Qué has comprado mijo?
- ¿Qué has comprado mija?

What all have you bought, child?

- Has trabajado duro.
- Has trabajado hasta la extenuación.

- You've worked hard.
- You have worked hard.

- ¿Has perdido la cabeza?
- ¿Te has vuelto loco?

- Have you lost your reason?
- Have you gone nuts?
- Have you gone mad?
- Have you lost your mind?

- ¿Cómo has llegado aquí?
- ¿Cómo has venido aquí?

How did you come here?

- ¿La has visto?
- ¿Lo viste?
- ¿Lo has visto?

- Did you see it?
- Have you seen it?
- Have you seen her?
- Did you see that?
- Have you seen him?
- Did you see him?
- Did you happen to see him?
- Did you happen to see her?

- ¿Ya le has llamado?
- ¿Ya la has llamado?

Have you called her yet?

- ¿Entendiste?
- ¿Has comprendido?
- ¿Has entendido?
- ¿Comprendiste?
- ¿Habéis comprendido?

- Is that clear?
- Got it?

- ¿Adónde has ido, Tom?
- ¿Dónde has estado, Tom?

- Where have you been, Tom?
- Where were you, Tom?

- ¿Has venido solo?
- ¿Has venido sola?
- ¿Viniste solo?

Did you come alone?

- ¿Te has vuelto loco?
- ¿Te has vuelto loca?

- Are you crazy?
- Have you gone nuts?
- Have you gone mad?
- Have you lost your mind?
- Are you out of your mind?
- Have you become insane?
- Have you guys lost your minds?

- ¿Has echado a Tom?
- ¿Has despedido a Tom?

Have you fired Tom?

has construido una buena relación con ellos, has creado esa conexión, los has ayudado.

you've built a rapport with them, you've built that connection, you've helped them out.

- Me has pasado tu frío.
- Me has contagiado tu resfriado.
- Me has pegado tu catarro.
- Me has pegado tu resfriado.

You've given me your cold.

Dónde has estado

Where have you been

¿Ya has almorzado?

- Have you eaten lunch yet?
- Have you eaten your lunch yet?
- Have you had any lunch?
- Have you had lunch yet?

¿Ya has cenado?

- Have you eaten your dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner yet?
- Have you had dinner already?
- Have you eaten dinner?
- Have you eaten supper yet?
- Have you already eaten dinner?
- Have you had dinner yet?

¿Has cenado ya?

- Have you had dinner?
- Have you had tea?

¿Ya has desayunado?

- Have you eaten breakfast yet?
- Did you have breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast?
- Have you had breakfast yet?
- Have you already eaten breakfast?
- Have you already had breakfast?
- Have you eaten breakfast already?

¡Cómo has crecido!

- How you've grown!
- How big you've gotten!

¿Has perdido peso?

Have you lost weight?

Has perdido, ¿verdad?

You lost, didn't you?

¿Ya has comido?

Have you eaten yet?

¿Has dormido bien?

Did you sleep well?

¿Te has olvidado?

- Did you forget?
- Have you forgotten?

¿Les has respondido?

Did you respond to them?

¿Me has olvidado?

Have you forgotten about me?

¿Ya has votado?

Did you vote yet?

¿Qué has encontrado?

- What have you found?
- What've you found?

"¿Has comido?" "Sí."

"Have you eaten?" "Yes, I have."

¿Cuándo has llegado?

When did you arrive?

- Engordaste.
- Has engordado.

- You've grown fat.
- You've gotten fat.

¿Lo has visto?

Have you watched it?

¿Qué has comido?

What have you eaten?

Has hecho bien.

- You have done well.
- You've done good.
- You've done well.
- You did a good thing.

¿Lo has intentado?

- Have you tried it?
- Have you ever tried it?

¿Has visto eso?

Did you see that?

Has sido advertido.

- You've been warned.
- You have been warned.
- You've been forewarned.
- You have been forewarned.

¿Ya has vuelto?

Have you already come back?

¿Jamás has roncado?

Have you ever snored?

¿Has desenterrado papas?

Have you dug up potatoes?

¿Qué has oído?

What have you heard?

¿Cómo has entrado?

How did you get in?

¿Lo has entendido?

- Got it?
- Do you get it?
- Did you get it?
- Understand?
- Get it?
- Got that?
- Understood?
- Did you understand?

¿Cuántos has pescado?

How many fish did you catch?

¿Los has leído?

Did you read them?