Translation of "Viria" in English

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Examples of using "Viria" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Achei que viria sozinho.
- Pensei que viria sozinho.

I thought he would come alone.

Você viria comigo?

Would you come with me?

Tom disse que viria.

- Tom said he'd come.
- Tom said that he'd come.

Você prometeu que viria.

- You promised you would come.
- You promised you'd come.
- You promised that you'd come.

Eu sabia que você viria.

I knew you'd come.

Perguntou-me se ela viria.

He asked me whether she was coming.

Ele perguntou se ela viria.

He asked me whether she was coming.

Pensei que ele viria logo.

I thought he would come soon.

Tom disse que viria amanhã.

- Tom said he would come tomorrow.
- Tom said that he would come tomorrow.

Tom disse que não viria.

- Tom said he wasn't coming.
- Tom said that he wasn't coming.

Quando Tom disse que viria?

When did Tom say he would come?

Tinha certeza de que viria.

- I was certain that you'd come.
- I was certain you'd come.

Tom disse que Maria viria.

- Tom said Mary would come.
- Tom said that Mary would come.

Pensei que ela viria sozinha.

I thought she would come alone.

Você me disse que viria.

- You told me you'd come.
- You told me that you'd come.

Mas o verdadeiro sucesso viria aqui

but the real success would come here

Ele disse que viria e veio.

- He said he would come and he did come.
- He said he'd come and he did.

Se ele soubesse disso, ele viria.

If he had known about it, he would have come.

Chamei-o para confirmar que viria.

I telephoned to make sure that he was coming.

Pensei que o Tom não viria.

- I thought Tom wouldn't come.
- I thought that Tom wouldn't come.

Eu sabia que viria a tempo.

I knew you'd get here in time.

Ele me prometeu que viria aqui.

He promised me to come here.

Tom disse que viria ao casamento.

- Tom said he would come to the wedding.
- Tom said that he would come to the wedding.

Tom disse que viria à festa.

- Tom said he would come to the party.
- Tom said that he would come to the party.

Fiquei preocupado que você não viria.

I was worried you wouldn't come.

Tom disse com quem ele viria?

Did Tom say who he'd be coming with?

Ele me prometeu que viria cedo.

He promised me he would come early.

Você achou que eu não viria?

Did you think I wouldn't come?

- Tom disse que sabia que eu viria.
- Tom disse que ele sabia que eu viria.

- Tom said he knew that I would come.
- Tom said that he knew that I would come.

- Eu acreditava que viriam.
- Eu acreditava que o senhor viria.
- Eu acreditava que a senhora viria.

I believed you'd come.

O menino disse que viria um lobo.

The boy said a wolf would come.

Ela me prometeu que viria às três.

She promised me that she would come at three.

Ele me prometeu que viria às quatro.

He promised me that he would come at four.

Tom me prometeu que viria à festa.

Tom promised me he would come to the party.

Tom disse que sabia que eu viria.

Tom said he knew that I would come.

- Sergey não veio, apesar dele ter prometido que viria.
- Sergey não veio, embora tenha prometido que viria.

- Sergey didn't come, even though he promised he would.
- Sergey didn't come, even though he had promised he would.
- Sergey didn't come, although he promised he would.

- Sabíamos que você viria.
- Nós sabíamos que você viria.
- Nós sabíamos que vocês viriam.
- Sabíamos que vocês viriam.

We knew you'd come.

Nunca me ocorreu que o Tom não viria.

It never occurred to me that Tom wouldn't come.

Pensei que Tom viria pra casa com você.

- I thought Tom was coming home with you.
- I thought that Tom was coming home with you.

Eu já estava pensando que você não viria.

I was already thinking you would not come.

Quem disse pra você que eu não viria?

Who told you I wouldn't come?

Eu tive a ideia de que ele viria sozinho.

I got the idea that he would come by himself.

Tom disse que viria me buscar às seis horas.

- Tom said that he would pick me up at 6:00.
- Tom said he'd pick me up at six.

Se eu fosse ela, viria por aqui. Está a escurecer.

If I was her, this is the way I'd be coming. It's getting dark now!

- Uma cerveja viria a calhar.
- Uma cervejinha seria bem-vinda.

I could use a beer.

Você achou que não viria esta noite, não é mesmo?

You thought I wouldn't come tonight, didn't you?

Você supôs que eu não viria hoje à noite, né?

You thought I wouldn't come tonight, didn't you?

Achamos que você não viria por causa dos seus compromissos.

We thought that you would not come because of your commitments.

Ele disse que viria, e mais, ele disse que estava contente.

He said he would come, and what is more, he said he was glad to.

- Ele me prometeu que viria aqui.
- Ele me prometeu vir aqui.

He promised me to come here.

- Ele disse que virá.
- Ele disse que viria.
- Ele disse que vem.

He said he would come.

Por que uma palavra para vermelho viria antes de uma palavra para azul?

Why would a word for red come before a word for blue?

- Eu pensava que tu não viesses.
- Pensei que você não viesse.
- Pensei que você não viria.

- I thought you wouldn't come.
- I thought you weren't coming.
- I thought that you wouldn't come.
- I figured that you wouldn't come.

Em 1858, William Gladstone - que mais tarde viria a ser um dos quatro primeiros ministros britânicos

In 1858, William Gladstone — who would later become a four-term British Prime Minister

Eu perguntei para ele se ele podia me fazer um favor. Ele disse que ele não podia agora, mas viria até min hoje mais tarde.

I asked him if he could do me a favor. He said he couldn't right now, but would get back to me later on today.

- Eu já estava pensando que você não viria.
- Cheguei a pensar que você não viesse.
- Eu já estava pensando que vocês não viriam.
- Cheguei a pensar que tu não viesses.

I was already thinking you would not come.

Mesmo quando eu ainda estava estudando matemática, física e ciência da computação, sempre me pareceu que o problema da consciência era possivelmente o mais interessante dentre aqueles com que a ciência viria a se defrontar.

Even when I was studying mathematics, physics, and computer science, it always seemed that the problem of consciousness was about the most interesting problem out there for science to come to grips with.