Translation of "Pensei" in English

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Examples of using "Pensei" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eu pensei sobre vocês.
- Pensei sobre vocês.

- I've thought about you a lot.
- I've thought about you lot.

- Pensei que estava sozinho.
- Pensei que estivesse sozinho.

- I thought I was alone.
- I thought that I was alone.

- Pensei que estivessem dormindo.
- Pensei que estivesse dormindo.

- I thought you were asleep.
- I thought that you were asleep.

- Pensei que você estava brincando.
- Pensei que estivesse brincando.
- Eu pensei que você estava brincando.
- Eu pensei que estivesse brincando.

- I thought you were kidding.
- I thought that you were kidding.

Pensei em você!

I thought about you!

Nunca pensei nisso.

I never thought of that.

- Pensei que ele morrera.
- Pensei que ele tinha morrido.

I thought he had died.

- Pensei que você estava brincando.
- Pensei que estivesse brincando.

I thought you were kidding.

- Eu pensei que era meu.
- Pensei que era meu.

- I thought it was mine.
- I thought that it was mine.

- Pensei que íamos despenhar-nos.
- Pensei que íamos bater.

- I thought we were going to crash.
- I thought that we were going to crash.

- É exatamente como pensei.
- É exatamente como eu pensei.

It's exactly what I thought.

- Eu pensei muito em ti.
- Pensei muito em você.

- I've thought about you a lot.
- I thought about you a lot.
- I've been thinking a lot about you.

- Eu não pensei no Tom.
- Não pensei no Tom.

I didn't think about Tom.

- Pensei que eles desistiriam.
- Eu pensei que eles desistiriam.

I thought that they'd give up.

- Pensei que o Tom fosse legal.
- Eu pensei que o Tom fosse legal.
- Pensei que Tom fosse legal.
- Eu pensei que Tom fosse legal.

I thought Tom was nice.

- Eu pensei que era muito legal.
- Eu pensei que era realmente legal.
- Eu pensei que fosse realmente legal.
- Eu pensei que fosse muito legal.

- I thought that that was really cool.
- I thought that was really cool.

E pensei sobre aquilo,

And I thought about that,

Agora pensei que período

Now thought that period

Pensei que ele morrera.

I thought he had died.

Pensei que poderia ajudar.

- I thought I might be able to help.
- I thought that I might be able to help.

Pensei que estivesse lesionado.

I thought you were injured.

Pensei que quisesse esperar.

I thought you wanted to wait.

Pensei que estivesse alucinando.

I thought I was hallucinating.

Pensei que fôssemos dançar.

I thought we were going to talk.

Pensei em você imediatamente!

- I immediately thought of you!
- I immediately thought of you.

Eu pensei a respeito.

- I thought about it.
- I have considered it.

Pensei que fosses ajudar.

I thought you were going to help.

Nunca pensei estudar esloveno.

I never thought about studying Slovenian.

Nunca pensei estudar esperanto.

I never thought of studying Esperanto.

- Eu pensei que não te encontraria.
- Pensei que não te encontraria.

- I thought I wouldn't find you.
- I thought that I wouldn't find you.

- Pensei que Tom fosse diferente.
- Eu pensei que Tom fosse diferente.

- I thought Tom was different.
- I thought that Tom was different.

- Pensei que você fosse canadense.
- Eu pensei que você fosse canadense.

- I thought you were Canadian.
- I thought that you were Canadian.

- Sempre pensei que soubesses nadar.
- Eu sempre pensei que sabias nadar.

I've always thought you knew how to swim.

- Tudo aconteceu exatamente como eu pensei.
- Tudo aconteceu exatamente como pensei.

Everything happened exactly as I had thought.

- Eu pensei ter deixado isso claro.
- Pensei ter deixado isso claro.

- I thought I made that clear.
- I thought that I made that clear.

- Foi isso o que eu pensei.
- Foi isso o que pensei.

That's what I thought.

- Pensei que isso deixaria Tom envergonhado.
- Pensei que isso constrangeria Tom.

- I thought that would embarrass Tom.
- I thought that that would embarrass Tom.

- Pensei que você fosse chorar.
- Eu pensei que você fosse chorar.

- I thought you'd cry.
- I thought that you'd cry.

- Eu não pensei muito sobre isso.
- Não pensei muito sobre isso.

I didn't think about it that much.

- Eu nunca pensei que diria isso.
- Nunca pensei que diria isso.

- I never thought I'd say this.
- I never thought that I'd say this.

- Eu pensei que ele estava doente.
- Pensei que ela estava doente.

I thought he was sick.

- Pensei que poderia encontrá-lo aqui.
- Pensei que poderia encontrá-la aqui.
- Pensei que poderia te encontrar aqui.

- I thought I might find you here.
- I thought that I might find you here.

- Pensei que Tom estivesse perdido.
- Pensei que o Tom estivesse perdido.
- Eu pensei que o Tom estivesse perdido.

- I thought Tom was lost.
- I thought that Tom was lost.

- Pensei que era uma boa ideia.
- Pensei que fosse uma boa ideia.
- Eu pensei que fosse uma boa ideia.

- I thought it was a good idea.
- I thought that it was a good idea.

- Eu pensei que o Tom fosse agradável.
- Pensei que o Tom fosse agradável.
- Pensei que o Tom fosse legal.

- I thought Tom was nice.
- I thought that Tom was nice.

- Eu nunca pensei que eu diria isso.
- Nunca pensei que eu diria isso.
- Eu nunca pensei que diria isso.

- I never thought I'd say that.
- I never thought I'd say this.
- I never thought that I'd say this.

- Eu não pensei que você estava vindo.
- Eu não pensei que você vinha.
- Eu não pensei que vocês vinham.

- I didn't think you were coming.
- I didn't think that you were coming.

- Pensei que Tom estivesse exagerando.
- Eu pensei que o Tom estivesse exagerando.

- I thought Tom was exaggerating.
- I thought that Tom was exaggerating.

- Pensei que Tom necessitasse de ajuda.
- Pensei que Tom precisasse de ajuda.

I thought Tom needed help.

- Eu pensei que o tivesse perdido.
- Eu pensei que a tivesse perdido.

I thought I'd lost you.

- Foi menor do que eu pensei.
- Era menor do que eu pensei.

It was smaller than I thought.

- Pensei que era a sua vez.
- Pensei que fosse a sua vez.

- I thought it was your turn.
- I thought that it was your turn.

- Achei que você fosse rir.
- Pensei que você ia rir.
- Eu pensei que você fosse rir.
- Pensei que você fosse rir.
- Eu pensei que você ia rir.

I thought you would laugh.

- Eu sempre pensei que você era um canadense.
- Sempre pensei que você era canadense.
- Sempre pensei que você fosse canadense.

I've always thought you were a Canadian.

- Eu não pensei que isso iria acontecer.
- Eu não pensei que ia acontecer.
- Eu não pensei que isso ia acontecer.

I didn't think that was going to happen.

Então pensei sobre muitas coisas

So I thought about a lot of things,

Nunca pensei isso de ti.

I never thought that about you.

Eu pensei muito em ti.

I've thought about you a lot.

Pensei que ele era inocente.

I thought that he was innocent.

Eu pensei que ia morrer.

- I thought I was going to die.
- I thought that I was going to die.

Pensei que você estava brincando.

- I thought you were joking.
- I thought that you were joking.

Pensei que ele estava brincando.

I thought he was joking.

Pensei que ela estava brincando.

I thought she was joking.

Eu pensei que estava acabado.

- I thought I was done for.
- I thought that I was done for.

Pensei que Tom estivesse morto.

- I thought Tom was dead.
- I thought that Tom was dead.

Pensei que Tom fosse culpado.

- I thought Tom was guilty.
- I thought that Tom was guilty.

Pensei que Tom estivesse perdido.

- I thought Tom was lost.
- I thought that Tom was lost.

Pensei que Tom fosse casado.

- I thought Tom was married.
- I thought that Tom was married.

Pensei que poderíamos fazer melhor.

- I thought we could do better.
- I thought that we could do better.

Eu pensei que pudéssemos conversar.

- I thought we could talk.
- I thought that we could talk.

Pensei que nós íamos ganhar.

- I thought we were going to win.
- I thought that we were going to win.

Pensei que fosse me matar.

- I thought you were going to kill me.
- I thought that you were going to kill me.

Pensei que estivesse brava comigo.

- I thought you were mad at me.
- I thought that you were mad at me.

Pensei que não me reconheceria.

- I thought you wouldn't recognize me.
- I thought that you wouldn't recognize me.

Eu pensei muito sobre isso.

- I thought about it a lot.
- I've thought of it a lot.
- I've thought a lot about this.

Pensei que Tom estava dormindo.

- I thought Tom was asleep.
- I thought that Tom was asleep.

Pensei que ele viria logo.

I thought he would come soon.

Pensei que Tom fosse vegetariano.

I thought Tom was a veterinarian.

Pensei que estivesse com fome.

I thought you were hungry.

Pensei que estivessem no ginásio.

I thought you were at the gym.

Pensei que quisesse a verdade.

I thought you wanted the truth.

Pensei que pudesse estar curioso.

I thought you might be curious.

Nunca pensei sobre isso antes.

I've never thought about that before.

Pensei que Tom estava blefando.

- I thought Tom was bluffing.
- I thought that Tom was bluffing.

Eu pensei que era verdade.

I thought it was true.

Pensei que você fosse canadense.

- I thought you were a Canadian.
- I thought that you were a Canadian.

Pensei que isso fosse impossível.

- I thought that was impossible.
- I thought that that was impossible.

Pensei ter ouvido um tiro.

- I thought I heard a gunshot.
- I thought that I heard a gunshot.

Eu pensei que era óbvio.

- I thought it was obvious.
- I thought that it was obvious.

Pensei que você me amasse.

- I thought you loved me.
- I thought that you loved me.

Eu pensei que era esquisito.

- I thought it was weird.
- I thought that it was weird.

Pensei que você me conhecia.

- I thought you knew me.
- I thought that you knew me.

Pensei que fosse o Tom.

- I thought it was Tom.
- I thought that it was Tom.