Translation of "Varal" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Varal" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom estendeu as roupas molhadas no varal.

Tom hung the wet clothes on the clothesline.

Tom estendeu as roupas dele no varal.

Tom hung his clothes on the clothesline.

Tom estendeu a roupa lavada no varal.

- Tom hung the laundry on the clothesline.
- Tom hung the laundry up on the clothesline.

- Vi um homem roubando roupas do meu varal.
- Eu vi um homem roubando roupas do meu varal.

I saw a man stealing clothes off my clothesline.

Tom estendeu as suas roupas molhadas no varal.

Tom hung his wet clothes on the clothesline.

Eu já pendurei no varal a roupa lavada.

I've already hung up the laundry.

Parece que vai chover. Tire a roupa do varal.

It looks like it's going to rain. Remove the clothes from the line.

Tom ajudou Mary a estender as roupas no varal.

Tom helped Mary hang the clothes on the clothesline.