Translation of "Apontando" in English

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Examples of using "Apontando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Você está me apontando?

Are you pointing at me?

Sami estava apontando para o telefone.

Sami was pointing at the phone.

Página essa palavra-chave está apontando.

page that keyword is pointing to.

Tom olhou para onde a Mary estava apontando.

Tom looked where Mary was pointing.

Veja, exclamou ela apontando para um canto do salão, ali está ela em pé.

Look, shouted her pointing to a corner of the hall, there she is standing up.

Passam-se os dias velozmente; faz bom tempo / e dos austros ao sopro as velas intumescem, / convidativas apontando para o mar.

One day and now another passed; the gale / sings in the shrouds, and calls us to depart.

"Ele vai comer uma maça!" Mal acabara Maria de dizer essas palavras, apontando para Tom, que em postura teatral segurava em uma das mãos a fruta como se ela fosse o crânio de Yorick, fez-se de repente silêncio na sala: todos pareciam estar fascinados; ninguém ousava respirar; porque até então Tom nunca havia tocado numa maçã; ninguém jamais conseguira fazer com que ele a achasse palatável, ou até dela se aproximasse mesmo a poucos metros de distância. Agora, porém, para provar a Maria seu amor, ele recebeu a maçã, como Adão a havia recebido da mão de Eva, e assim se passaram os últimos momentos de sua virtude.

"He's going to eat an apple!" No sooner had Mary uttered these words and pointed at Tom, who was already posing theatrically with the fruit held out to himself as if it were Yorick's skull, than the room all at once fell silent. Everyone was looking on, mesmerised, not daring to breath. Tom had never before even touched an apple: no one had ever managed to make the fruit seem palatable to him, or even managed to get one within a few metres of him. But now, to prove his love to Mary, Tom had taken the apple, as Adam had from Eve's hand, and the last remaining moments of his life of virtue were slipping away.