Translation of "Olhou" in English

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Olhou" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom olhou.

Tom looked.

- Você olhou na caixa?
- Você olhou à caixa?

Did you look in the box?

Judy me olhou.

Judy looked at me.

Ela me olhou.

She looked at me.

- Você já olhou na caixa?
- Você já olhou à caixa?

- Have you looked in the box?
- Did you look in the box?

olhou bem para mim,

and he was staring at me,

Tom olhou pela janela.

Tom looked out the window.

Ele olhou o céu.

He looked up at the sky.

Ela olhou para mim.

She looked at me.

Tom olhou para Maria.

Tom looked at Mary.

Ela olhou para trás.

She looked behind.

Tom olhou no espelho.

- Tom looked in the mirror.
- Tom looked in a mirror.

Tom olhou para fora.

Tom looked outside.

Ela olhou pela janela.

She looked out of the window.

Tom olhou para baixo.

Tom glanced down.

Tom olhou pelo telescópio.

Tom looked through the telescope.

Todo mundo me olhou.

Everybody was staring at me.

Tom olhou em volta.

Tom looked around.

Tom olhou para cima.

Tom looked up.

Tom nem mesmo olhou.

Tom didn't even look.

Tom olhou na sala.

Tom looked into the living room.

Tom olhou para mim.

Tom looked at me.

Olhou-se ao espelho.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

Para onde você olhou?

Where did you look?

Tom olhou para nós.

Tom looked at us.

Tom olhou para Mary.

Tom squinted at Mary.

- Tom olhou para seu cachorro.
- Tom olhou para o cachorro dele.

Tom looked at his dog.

Mary olhou-se no espelho.

Mary looked at herself in the mirror.

Ele olhou para as estrelas.

He looked up at the stars.

Ele olhou para o teto.

He looked up at the ceiling.

Ele nunca olhou para trás.

He never looked back.

Ele olhou-me nos olhos.

He looked me in the eye.

Ele olhou os papéis atentivamente.

He had a good look at the papers.

Tom olhou para o relógio.

Tom looked at the clock.

Tom olhou para as estrelas.

Tom looked up at the stars.

Tom olhou embaixo da cadeira.

Tom looked under his seat.

Tom olhou dentro da caixa.

Tom looked into the box.

Tom olhou para seus pés.

Tom looked down at his feet.

Tom olhou embaixo do carro.

Tom looked under the car.

Tom olhou para as mãos.

Tom looked down at his hands.

Tom olhou para o céu.

Tom looked at the sky.

Tom olhou rapidamente para Mary.

Tom looked at Mary quickly.

Tom olhou debaixo da mesa.

Tom looked under the table.

Tom olhou para a lua.

Tom looked at the moon.

Você olhou no porta-luvas?

Have you looked in the glove compartment?

Tom olhou rapidamente pela janela.

Tom took a quick look out the window.

Você olhou debaixo da mesa?

- Did you look under the table?
- Have you looked under the table?

O Tom olhou o menu.

Tom looked at the menu.

Tom olhou para a foto.

Tom looked at the picture.

Tom olhou para o velocímetro.

Tom looked at the speedometer.

Tom olhou através do binóculo.

Tom looked through the binoculars.

Tom olhou para a esquerda.

Tom looked to his left.

Tom olhou na direção errada.

Tom looked in the wrong direction.

Tom olhou mais de perto.

Tom looked at it more closely.

Todo mundo olhou pra ela.

Everyone looked at her.

Tom olhou para o teto.

- Tom looked up at the ceiling.
- Tom looked at the ceiling.

Ele olhou para o relógio.

He looked at the watch.

Ela olhou para ele furiosamente.

She looked at him angrily.

Tom olhou como sempre olha.

Tom looked like he always looks.

Sami nem olhou para Layla.

Sami didn't even look at Layla.

Ela olhou para os relógios.

She looked at the watches.

Tom olhou friamente para Maria.

Tom looked at Mary coldly.

Tom não olhou para mim.

Tom didn't look at me.

Mary olhou para o prato.

Mary stared at her plate.

- Tom olhou para o quadro na parede.
- Tom olhou para a pintura na parede.

Tom looked at the painting on the wall.

Você já olhou para o Google?

Have you looked at Google?

Ela olhou o relógio com dissimulação.

She took a casual glance at her watch.

Ele nunca mais olhou para trás.

He never turned back again.

Você olhou para mim e sorriu.

You looked at me and smiled.

Tom nem sequer olhou para Maria.

Tom didn't even look at Mary.

Tom olhou no medidor de combustível.

Tom looked at the fuel gauge.

Tom olhou para Mary com assombro.

Tom stared at Mary in astonishment.

Tom não olhou para a Mary.

Tom didn't look at Mary.

Nero olhou para Roma enquanto queimava.

Nero looked at Rome while it was burning.

Ele olhou bem nos meus olhos.

He looked me right in the eye.

Tom olhou para ele com curiosidade.

Tom looked at it curiously.

Tom nem sequer olhou para mim.

Tom didn't even look at me.

Ela olhou para mim com suspeita.

- She regarded me suspiciously.
- She looked at me suspiciously.

Ela lhe olhou direto nos olhos.

She looked him right in the eye.

Ele não se olhou ao espelho?

Hasn't he looked at himself in a mirror?

Tom olhou para Maria e sorriu.

Tom looked at Mary and smiled.

Tom olhou a mensagem de novo.

Tom looked at the message again.

Tom olhou para Maria e riu.

Tom looked at Mary and laughed.

Tom olhou para mim e sorriu.

- Tom looked at me and smiled.
- Tom laughed at the sight of me.

Mary olhou para seu espelho mágico.

Mary looked into her magic mirror.