Translation of "Jön" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Jön" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Rögtön jön.
- Mindjárt jön.

- He's coming.
- He is arriving shortly.

Genovából jön.

He comes from Genoa.

Ott jön.

There she comes.

Jön valami.

- Something's coming.
- Something is coming.

- Jössz?
- Jön?

Do you come?

Holnap jön.

He will come tomorrow.

Jön valaki.

- Someone is coming.
- Someone's coming.

Mikor jön?

When will he come?

Tom jön.

- Tom's coming.
- Tom'll come.
- Tom is coming.

Holnap jön?

Will he come tomorrow?

Ki jön?

- Whose go is it?
- Whose turn is it?

Délben jön.

He comes at noon.

Később jön.

He will come later.

Nem jön.

He won't come.

Tom jön?

Is Tom coming?

Egyedül jön.

He comes alone.

Közelebb jön.

He's coming closer.

Jön valaki?

Is anyone coming along?

- Jön?
- Jönnek?

Are you coming?

Busszal jön.

He comes by bus.

- Ott jön a busz!
- Jön a busz!

Here comes the bus!

- Jön a vonat!
- Itt jön a vonat.

- Here comes the train.
- Here comes the train!

- Itt jön a pincér.
- Jön a pincér.

Here comes the waiter.

- Lehet, hogy nem jön el.
- Talán nem jön.
- Lehet, hogy nem jön.

She may not come.

- Talán jön.
- Lehet, hogy jön.
- Talán jönni fog.

- I am not sure but she may come.
- She may come.
- She might come.

- Itt jön a busz.
- Ott jön a busz!

- Here comes the bus!
- Here comes the bus.

- Itt jön a vonatunk.
- Itt jön a vonat.

There comes the train.

- Mikor jön haza apád?
- Mikor jön haza édesapád?

When will your father come home?

Szerintem nem jön.

- I don't think that she will come.
- I think she won't come.
- I think she will not come.
- I think that she won't come.
- I think that she will not come.

Autóval jön iskolába.

She comes to school in her car.

Ő sem jön.

He is not coming, either.

Ötnaponként jön ide.

He comes here every five days.

Ő hamarosan jön.

He is likely to arrive soon.

Biztos, hogy jön.

- It is certain that he will come.
- He will come, for sure.

Mikor jön vissza?

When is he coming back?

Talán jön holnap.

Perhaps she will come tomorrow.

Jön a tavasz.

Spring is coming.

Szerinte nem jön.

According to her, he isn't coming.

Tom nem jön.

- Tom is not coming.
- Tom isn't coming.
- Tom won't come.
- Tom won't be coming.

Tamás mikor jön?

- When is Tom coming?
- When's Tom coming?

Ki jön vacsorára?

Who's coming for dinner?

Ő is jön?

Is she coming, too?

Jön a busz.

The bus is coming.

Ő nem jön.

- She's not going.
- She isn't going.

Jön a tél.

Winter is coming.

Tamás érted jön.

Tom is coming for you.

Jól jön majd.

It'll come in handy.

Jön egy őr.

There's a guard coming.

Tudod, mikor jön?

Do you know when she will come?

Jön a vonat!

- Here comes the train!
- The train is arriving!
- The train's coming!

Senki sem jön.

No one is coming.

Jön a torta!

It's time for cake.

Ki jön velem?

- Who is coming with me?
- Who's coming with me?

Ki jön velünk?

Who's coming with us?

Tom holnap jön.

Tom will come tomorrow.

Három ember jön.

Three people are coming.

Tom sosem jön.

Tom never comes.

Tom ma jön.

- Tom arrives today.
- Tom is coming today.

Tom később jön.

- Tom will come later.
- Tom is going to come later.

Tamás nem jön.

- Tom is not coming.
- Tom isn't coming.

Ön is jön?

- Do you want a lift?
- Would you like a lift?

Ha jön, eszünk.

When she comes, we'll eat.

Talán holnap jön.

Perhaps she will come tomorrow.

Jane Ausztráliából jön.

Jane comes from Australia.

Valószínűleg Jane jön.

Jane is likely to come.

Tamás hétfőn jön.

Tom is coming on Monday.

Azt mondta, jön.

He told me that he'd come.

A feleségével jön.

- He is coming with his wife.
- He's coming with his wife.

Felénk jön Tomi.

Tom is walking towards us.

- Talán nem jön.
- Talán nem fog jönni.
- Lehet, nem jön.
- Lehet, hogy nem jön.

She may not come.

- Tomi is jön.
- Tomi szintén jön.
- Eljön Tomi is.

Tom is coming, too.

- Tizenegy óra, és nem jön.
- Tizenegy, és nem jön.
- Tizenegy óra van, és ő nem jön.

It's eleven and he's not coming.

- Honnan jön ez a zaj?
- Honnan jön ez a zörej?

Where's the noise coming from?

Vigyázz! Jön egy teherautó!

- Look out! There's a truck coming!
- Look out! There's a lorry coming!

Ott jön a busz.

There comes the bus.

Minden pénzösszeg jól jön.

Any amount of money will be welcome.

Ötig nem jön vissza.

She won't be back till five.

Úgy volt, hogy jön.

He was supposed to come.

Heti kétszer jön ide.

He comes here twice a week.