Translation of "Pompier" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Pompier" in a sentence and their english translations:

pompier Bastian Haas,

fireman Bastian Haas,

Tom est pompier.

Tom is a firefighter.

Je suis pompier.

- I'm a fireman.
- I'm a firefighter.

Il est pompier.

He is a firefighter.

Le pompier Bastian Haas.

Fireman Bastian Haas.

Tom veut devenir pompier.

Tom wants to become a fireman.

Tom veut être pompier.

- Tom wants to be a firefighter.
- Tom wants to be a fireman.

Tom s'est déguisé en pompier.

Tom disguised himself as a fireman.

Elle a épousé un pompier.

- She married a fireman.
- She married a firefighter.

Mon rêve est d'être pompier.

- My dream is to be a firefighter.
- My dream is to become a firefighter.

Tom aimerait devenir un pompier.

Tom wanted to become a fireman.

- Le pompier ne pouvait éteindre les flammes.
- Le pompier ne pouvait étouffer les flammes.

The fireman could not extinguish the flames.

Je n'ai jamais voulu devenir pompier.

I never wanted to be a fireman.

Mon rêve est de devenir pompier.

My dream is to become a firefighter.

Son mari fume comme un pompier.

Her husband smokes like a chimney.

- Le pompier démontra comment on éteint le feu.
- Le pompier montra comment éteindre le feu.

The fire fighter demonstrated how to put out the fire.

De Hanovre à Francfort pour devenir pompier.

from Hanover to Frankfurt to become a fire fighter.

Le pompier montra comment éteindre le feu.

The fire fighter demonstrated how to put out the fire.

Le pompier ne pouvait éteindre les flammes.

The fireman could not extinguish the flames.

Le pompier démontra comment on éteint le feu.

The fire fighter demonstrated how to put out the fire.

La foule se rassembla bientôt autour du camion de pompier.

A crowd soon gathered around the fire engine.

Il fume comme un pompier et boit comme une outre.

He smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish.

Il fume comme un pompier et boit comme un trou.

He smokes like a coachman and drinks like a Cossack.

Le pompier a mis presque deux heures pour éteindre le feu.

It took the fireman almost two hours to put out the fire.

Le pompier se ménagea, à la hache, un chemin jusqu'à la porte.

The fireman chopped his way through the door.

Le pompier courageux a sauvé le garçon en le tirant de la maison en flammes.

The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house.