Translation of "Confrontations" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Confrontations" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle trouvait très pénibles les confrontations.

She found confrontations very upsetting.

Contrariés par leurs confrontations avec la police

annoyed about their encounters with the police

Chaque année, pendant le jeûne, des confrontations et des arrestations violentes ont lieu dans tout le pays kabyle. Où toute personne qui s'affranchit de la pratique religieuse est confrontée à la répression du gouvernement qui relaie les revendications des fondamentalistes pour acheter leur paix.

Every year, during the fasting, heated confrontations and arrests take place across the Kabyle country. Where everyone who frees themselves from the religious practice faces repression by the government, which relays the fundamentalists' demands in order to buy their peace.