Translation of "Swap" in Spanish

0.034 sec.

Examples of using "Swap" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Would you like to swap jobs?

¿Te gustaría que intercambiemos los trabajos?

Tom wishes he could swap places with Mary.

Tom desearía poder intercambiar lugares con Mary.

That’s when a performer and their double subtly swap places...

Es entonces cuando un artista y sus dobles intercambian sutilmente lugares,

So now we're going to swap over to the flexible laryngoscope.

Y ahora vamos a cambiar por el laringoscopio flexible.

It quickly became clear: she wanted to swap the cabin with the cockpit.

Rápidamente quedó claro que quería cambiar la cabina por la cabina.

So no need for drilling or hooks. They’re  easy to swap around… durable and lightweight.  

por lo que no es necesario taladrar ni usar ganchos. Son fáciles de intercambiar ... duraderos y ligeros.

- Never swap horses while crossing a stream.
- Don't change horses in midstream.
- Don't change a winning team.

No se cambia de caballo mientras se pasa por un río.