Translation of "Reborn" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Reborn" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I felt reborn.

Yo me sentí renacido.

Epic from which we are reborn

épica de la que renacemos

If I were reborn, I would want to learn the violin.

Si volviera a nacer me gustaría aprender a tocar el violín.

I will show you that man can be reborn from his ashes.

Yo te mostraré que el hombre puede renacer de sus cenizas.

If I were to be reborn, I would like to be a bird.

Si yo renaciera, quisiera ser un pájaro.

If I could be reborn, I would want to be the child of a rich family, then I'd be set for life.

Si pudiera renacer, querría ser hijo de una familia rica, entonces estaría listo para la vida.

- I want to be reborn as a Canadian if I had the chance.
- If I were to be born a second time, I would like to be Canadian.

Si volviera a nacer, me gustaría ser canadiense.