Translation of "Nightfall" in Spanish

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Nightfall" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- The men returned before nightfall.
- The men came back before nightfall.

Los hombres volvieron antes de caer la noche.

There's something magic about the nightfall.

Hay algo mágico acerca del anochecer.

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall

Dudo que encontremos a Dana antes del anochecer,

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall.

Dudo que encontremos a Dana antes del anochecer.

Nightfall may bring relief from the heat,

El ocaso puede aliviar el calor,

And with nightfall, temperatures plummet to -16 Celsius.

Y, al anochecer, la temperatura cae a -16 °C.

By nightfall, the Battle of the Sajo river, is over.

Al caer la noche, la batalla del río Sajo, se termina.

If we leave now, we could be back in Tucson before nightfall.

Si nos vamos ahora podríamos estar de vuelta en Tucson antes del anochecer.

Finally, by nightfall it�s apparent that the audacious crossing paid off, as the entire

Al caer la noche, después de una larga y agotadora marcha...

A mother puma and her four young cubs make the most of the warmth before nightfall.

Una mamá puma y sus cuatro cachorros aprovechan el calor antes del anochecer.

The rocks on this beach remind me of those summer days when Laura and I played in the sand until nightfall.

Las piedras de esa playa me recordaban aquellos días de verano en los que Laura y yo jugábamos en la arena hasta el anochecer.