Translation of "Microsoft" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Microsoft" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I bought a Microsoft mouse.

Me compré un ratón Microsoft.

Sysko has plans to buy Microsoft.

Sysko está planeando comprar Microsoft.

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.

Bill Gates es el fundador de Microsoft.

Ebay, Google, Microsoft, you get the point.

Ebay, Google, Microsoft, tú entiendes.

Either there is a giant called Microsoft and Apple

O hay un gigante llamado Microsoft y Apple

But he was facing the giant called Microsoft again

Pero se enfrentaba nuevamente al gigante llamado Microsoft

If you're happy working nine to five at Microsoft

Si estás feliz trabajando nueve a cinco en Microsoft

When it got to work, Microsoft was again world giant

Cuando empezó a funcionar, Microsoft volvió a ser gigante mundial

It did this with a program called Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Lo hizo con un programa llamado Microsoft Internet Explorer.

After a while, he made a homepage agreement with Microsoft

Después de un tiempo, hizo un acuerdo de página de inicio con Microsoft

Microsoft has a completely new operating system in the works.

Microsoft tiene en desarrollo un sistema operativo completamente nuevo.

I would sit, I would stare at the Microsoft Word screen,

Me sentaba, miraba la pantalla de Word

That is more than the profits of Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks.

Eso es más de los beneficios de Apple, Google, Microsoft y Starbucks.

We know the owner of Apple, the owner of Microsoft, as well as the owner of Facebook

Conocemos al dueño de Apple, el dueño de Microsoft, así como el dueño de Facebook

In August, Microsoft tested the 4-day week in Japan. As a result, 25.4% of employees took less vacation, 58.7% fewer pages were printed, power consumption fell by 23.1%, and productivity increased that month by 39.9%.

Microsoft ha probado en Japón en agosto la semana de 4 días. Como resultado, el 25,4% tomó menos vacaciones, se imprimieron 58,7% menos páginas y el consumo de energía cayó un 23,1% y la productividad en el mes aumentó un 39,9%.