Translation of "Infamous" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Infamous" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

And infamous for his bluntness in controversies.

y polémico por su franqueza en las controversias.

Six weeks later, the Grande Armée  began its infamous retreat from Moscow.

Seis semanas después, la Grande Armée inició su infame retirada de Moscú.

And then came the funding fights which led to the infamous ketchup controversy

Luego vinieron las peleas de financiación que llevaron a la controversia de la salsa de tomate

I was infamous from reality TV, and I felt like if I let them know

A mí solo me conocían por un reality, y sentí que si dejaba que viesen

- Sharks are infamous for their bloodthirsty natures.
- Sharks are notorious for having a thirst for blood.

Los tiburones son conocidos por tener una sed de sangre.

There have been many genocides in history, but the most famous (or infamous) is that perpetrated by the Nazis.

Ha habido muchos genocidios en la historia, pero el más famoso (o infame) es aquél perpetrado por los Nazis.