Translation of "Demonstrating" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Demonstrating" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

All demonstrating their masculinity.

todos exhibiendo su virilidad.

But my aunt was demonstrating a basic minimalist principle:

Pero mi tía estaba demostrando un principio minimalista básico:

And shaming them for demonstrating those open and vulnerable behaviors

y avergonzándolos por demostrar esas conductas abiertas y vulnerables

demonstrating that for those women that do aspire to that sort of career,

que demuestran que para aquellas mujeres que aspiran a ese tipo de carreras,

The locals by demonstrating the impotence of the French King to defend his people.

los lugareños al demostrar la impotencia del rey francés para defender a su gente.