Translation of "Deceived" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Deceived" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He deceived me.

Él me engañó.

You've been deceived.

Te han engañado.

You deceived me.

Me engañaste.

They deceived us.

Nos engañaron.

They deceived all.

Engañaron a todos.

He deceived his friend.

Engañó a su amigo.

We haven't deceived you.

No te hemos engañado.

Don't be deceived by appearances.

No te dejes engañar por las apariencias.

He has entirely deceived us.

Él nos ha engañado por completo.

I was deceived by him.

Fui engañado por él.

- We can't allow ourselves to be deceived.
- We can't let ourselves to be deceived.

No podemos permitirnos que nos embauquen.

She was deceived by a friend.

A ella la engañó un amigo.

I'm sorry for having deceived you.

Lamento haberle engañado.

I know when I'm being deceived.

Yo sé cuándo me están engañando.

- Tom deceived Mary.
- Tom misled Mary.

Tom engañó a Mary.

I thought my eyes deceived me.

Pensé que mis ojos me engañaban.

- I was deceived by him.
- He deceived me.
- He cheated me.
- He cheated on me.

Él me engañó.

Many people were deceived by the advertisement.

Mucha gente fue engañada por ese anuncio.

He was deceived by her innocent appearance.

Él fue engañado por su apariencia inocente.

We were entirely deceived by the advertisement.

La publicidad nos engañó por completo.

The boy I thought was honest deceived me.

El niño que yo tenía por sincero me engañó.

He was to all intents and purposes deceived.

O sea, lo engañaron.

What bugged me most was having been deceived.

Lo que más me molestó fue haber sido engañado.

Only then did he realize he had been deceived.

Sólo entonces comprendió que había sido engañado.

He was easily deceived and gave her some money.

Él fue fácil de engañar, y le dio algo de dinero.

He took advantage of my ignorance and deceived me.

Él se aprovechó de mi ignorancia y me engañó.

He deceived her, but even now she loves him.

Él le engañó a ella, pero incluso ahora ella le sigue queriendo.

He deceived me. He did not return the money.

Me engañó. No regresó el dinero.

The man who I thought was my friend deceived me.

El hombre que pensé que era mi amigo me engañó.

I came to the conclusion that I had been deceived.

Llegué a la conclusión de que había sido engañado.

- He deceived me.
- He cheated me.
- He cheated on me.

Fui engañado por él.

- I was taken for a ride.
- I've been tricked.
- I was deceived.

Me han engañado.

- Tom fooled Mary.
- Tom deceived Mary.
- Tom misled Mary.
- Tom cheated Mary.

Tom engañó a Mary.

- You've been had.
- You've been deceived.
- They've fooled you.
- You were tricked.

Te han engañado.

He was deceived by the late night television shopping network and paid high prices.

Él fue estafado por la red de compras por televisión nocturna y pagó altos precios.

And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat.

Dijo, pues, Dios a la mujer: "¿Por que lo has hecho?" Contestó la mujer: "La serpiente me sedujo, y comí."