Translation of "You've" in Spanish

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "You've" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- You've won!
- You've won.

¡Has ganado!

- You've done it!
- You've done it.

- ¡Lo has hecho!
- ¡Lo lograste!

- You've grown fat.
- You've gotten fat.

- Engordaste.
- Has engordado.

- You've grown fat.
- You've got fat.

Has engordado.

You've grown.

Has crecido.

You've misunderstood.

Lo habéis entendido mal.

You've failed.


You've changed.

Cómo has cambiado.

You've tried.

Lo has intentado.

You've won.

Tú ganaste.

- How you've grown!
- How big you've gotten!

¡Cómo has crecido!

- You've won!
- You've won.
- You have won.

- ¡Has ganado!
- Has ganado.
- Tú ganaste.

- You've gone too far!
- You've gone too far.

Has ido demasiado lejos.

- You've won her heart.
- You've won his heart.

Te ganaste su corazón.

- You've spilt your coffee.
- You've spilled your coffee.

Se te cayó el café.

- You've got to be kidding!
- You've gotta be kidding!
- You've got to be kidding.

- Tienes que estar bromeando.
- ¡Tienes que estar bromeando!

You've built a rapport with them, you've built that connection, you've helped them out.

has construido una buena relación con ellos, has creado esa conexión, los has ayudado.

You've got stress.

se tiene estrés.

You've been had.

Te han engañado.

You've filled out.

Tú has rellenado esto.

How you've grown!

- ¡Cómo has crecido!
- ¡Cuánto has crecido!

You've misunderstood me.

Me has malentendido.

You've grown fat.

Has engordado.

You've gotten fat.


You've got company.

Tienes compañía.

You've been expelled.

Has sido expulsado.

You've gone loco.

Te has vuelto loco.

You've been deceived.

Te han engañado.

You've come back?

- ¿Has vuelto?
- ¿Habéis vuelto?

You've done it.

Lo conseguiste.

You've been wonderful.

Has sido maravilloso.

You've been told.

Ya te lo han dicho.

You've been there.

Estuviste ahí.

You've been selected.

Te seleccionaron.

You've been paid.

Te pagaron.

You've been infected.

Has sido infectado.

You've seen that.

- Lo viste.
- Lo has visto.

You've already forgotten.

Ya lo has olvidado.

You've done enough.

Tú has hecho bastante.

You've been missed.

Te hemos echado de menos.

You've got me.

Me tienen a mí.

You've accomplished nothing.

No has logrado nada.

You've been brainwashed.

Te han lavado el cerebro.

You've been convicted.

Has sido condenado.

You've been demoted.

Has sido degradado.

You've been drugged.

Te drogaron.

You've been helpful.

Has sido útil.

You've been paroled.

Has obtenido la libertad condicional.

You've been robbed.

Te robaron.

You've been trained.

Has sido entrenado.

You've betrayed me.

Me has traicionado.

You've convinced me.

Me has convencido.

You've defeated me.

Me has derrotado.

You've earned this.

Te mereces esto.

You've found it.

Lo has encontrado.

You've found something.

Has encontrado algo.

You've frightened Tom.

Le asustaste a Tom.

You've got mail.

Tienes correo.

You've gotten better.

Te has vuelto mejor.

You've really changed.

Realmente has cambiado.

You've said enough.

Has dicho suficiente.

You've taken everything.

Has tomado todo.

You've done it!

¡Lo lograste!

You've worked hard.

Has trabajado hasta la extenuación.

You've done that.

Has hecho eso.

- You've got to be kidding!
- You've gotta be kidding!

¡Tienes que estar bromeando!

- You've found the way in.
- You've found the entrance.

Has encontrado la entrada.

- I'm glad that you've recovered.
- I'm glad you've recovered.

Me alegro de que te hayas recuperado.

- You've got to be joking.
- You've got to be joking!

Debes estar bromeando.

That you've been contaminated

de haberse contaminado

You've done nothing wrong.

no habrán hecho nada mal.

Because you've been here,

porque ya estuvieron acá.

You've arrived too early.

Llegas demasiado pronto.

You've let me down.

Me decepcionas.

Well, you've convinced me.

- Bueno, me convenciste.
- Bueno, me convencisteis.

You've come too early.

- Has venido demasiado pronto.
- Habéis venido demasiado pronto.
- Ha venido demasiado pronto.
- Han venido demasiado pronto.

That all you've got?

¿Es todo lo que tienes?