Translation of "Asphalt" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Asphalt" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

What's asphalt made of?

¿De qué está hecho el asfalto?

The street is paved with asphalt.

La calle está pavimentada.

The asphalt was softened by the heat.

El asfalto se ablandó con el calor.

Sometimes the pedestrian puts one foot in the asphalt,

A veces el peatón pone un pie en el asfalto,

Now had 30 acres of asphalt in their backyard.

ahora tenía como patio trasero unos 12 000 m2 de asfalto.

Much like that asphalt on the soil in Bayview Hunters Point.

como con el asfalto en el terreno de 'Bayview Hunters Point'.

The old cobbles in the streets have gradually been substituted by asphalt in all cities.

Los antiguos adoquines de la calle han sido substituidos paulatinamente por asfalto en todas las ciudades.

Millions of people, thousands of buildings, I walk through that maze, maze of concrete, concrete and iron, asphalt and glass.

Millones de personas, miles de edificios, voy por ese laberinto, laberinto de hormigón, hormigón y hierro, asfalto y vidrio.

They finally started to asphalt that road again. It was about time! You could only cycle zigzagging there if you didn't want your wheel to get buckled because of the holes in the road surface.

Al fin van a empezar a pavimentar de nuevo el camino. ¡Ya era hora! Solo se podía ir zigzagueando si no querías que se te dañara la rueda por los hoyos en el camino.