Translation of "Ailment" in Spanish

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Ailment" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

In that book he interviewes 250 people who had some ailment

En ese libro él entrevistó a 250 personas con alguna dolencia

- The doctor said that this ailment is incurable.
- The doctor said that this sickness is irremediable.

El doctor dijo que esta enfermedad es incurable.

After receiving treatment for a stomach ailment acquired while traveling overseas, Tom and Mary endured weeks of horrendous abdominal gas from the prescribed antibiotics.

Después de recibir tratamiento para una enfermedad estomacal desarrollada al viajar al extranjero, Tom y Mary soportaron semanas de horribles gases abdominales de los antibióticos que les recetaron.

- The doctor said that this disease is unhealable.
- The doctor said that this ailment is incurable.
- The doctor said that this sickness is irremediable.
- The doctor said that this illness is remediless.

El doctor dijo que esta enfermedad es incurable.

- The doctor said that this disease is unhealable.
- The doctor said that this ailment is incurable.
- The doctor said that this malady is untreatable.
- The doctor said that this sickness is irremediable.
- The doctor said that this blight is immedicable.
- The doctor said that this illness is remediless.

- El médico dijo que su enfermedad es incurable.
- El doctor dijo que esta enfermedad es incurable.