Translation of "Tempest" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Tempest" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

So spake he and on altars, reared aright, / due victims offered, and libations meet; / a bull to Neptune and Apollo bright, / to tempest a black lamb, to Western winds a white.

Assim tendo falado, nos altares / as adequadas vítimas imola: / um touro a ti, glorioso Apolo, outro a Netuno, / ovelha preta aos temporais, branca aos favônios.

So, when the tempest bursting wakes the war, / the justling winds in conflict rave and roar, / South, West and East upon his orient car, / the lashed woods howl, and with his trident hoar / Nereus in foam upheaves the watery floor.

Tal o embate dos ventos na tormenta / desencadeada: o Noto, o Zéfiro e, exultante, / o Euro, puxado por corcéis da Aurora; / ruge açoitada a mata e Nereu, numa nuvem / de espuma, se embravece e, brandindo o tridente, / desde a mor profundeza agita o mar.

- Here in a vast cavern king Aeolus rules over the struggling winds and howling tempests, and restrains them in prison with fetters.
- Here AEolus within a dungeon vast / the sounding tempest and the struggling blast / bends to his sway and bridles them with chains.

Ali, numa caverna imensa, o rei / Éolo domina os ventos tumultuosos, / as ruidosas borrascas, e os mantém, / em sujeição contínua, prisioneiros.

The fleet was on mid ocean; land no more / was visible, naught else above, before / but sky and sea, when overhead did loom / a storm-cloud, black as heaven itself, that bore / dark night and wintry tempest in its womb, / and all the waves grew rough and shuddered with the gloom.

Quando os navios já se encontram no alto mar, / não mais restando terra alguma à vista – / céu e mar, mar e céu por toda a parte – / vêm sobre nós pesados nimbos, transportando / treva e tormenta, e o mar se encrespa assustador.